I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1465 Ayu, I love you

Chapter 1465 Ayu, I love you


Qiao Chu slowly raised his head when he saw this, his wet eyes were surrounded by a curl of white mist, like looking at flowers through the fog.

But through this hazy layer of mist, she penetrated the deepest into the bottom of his heart, and saw the heart that was warmed only because of her.

The words he said on the talk show rang in his ears again.

[I met the person I wanted to meet among thousands of people. 】

【In my eyes, only you. 】

【She made me look forward to my future. 】

【My wife I love you……】


So, Qiao Chu smiled again.

The cheeks that were crying miserably were already dyed with morning glow, like a piece of high-quality crimson jade, translucent and moist, pink and peachy.

"I have something to tell you." Qiao Chujian's bright eyes flashed, like black pearls filled with water, instantly penetrated.

Shangguanyu focused on her, lifted his eyelids, and floated comfortably, which only added a kind of lazy sexiness, indicating that he was listening.

"Ahem..." Qiao Chu suddenly blushed even more when he first saw it, and his round earlobes looked like they were about to bleed, and he even squeezed twice in his arms.

Although she was quiet, she was rarely so coquettish and shy. All of a sudden, Shangguanyu's curiosity was aroused.

His smoky black eyes were bright and deep, as if carrying a power that could see through his mind, he hooked her so unscrupulously, laughing jokingly.

"Huh?" He moved his Adam's apple, and raised his monotone slightly, revealing a hint of seduction that she didn't notice.


Qiao Chujian's heart skipped a beat, but her flickering pupils froze for a moment, shining black, like the first ray of light on the sea level at sunrise.

Shangguanyu also had an inexplicable heartbeat and subconsciously held his breath.

Be quiet and wait.

"Ayu, I love you."

In a word, it fell into the sudden and light air without warning, but it was so natural and harmonious, without the slightest abruptness.

As if, as it should, it should be.

This sentence is so clichéd that she should have said it to him when she was in F City, but at that time her head was in a daze, and she didn't even have time to react.

However, a certain big boss of Mensao who was being confessed had a calm face, and there was no trace of ups and downs in the expression between his brows.

As if she didn't hear what she just said at all, and even frowned slightly,

"say what?"

"..." Decisively, Qiao's chest felt tight when he saw Huali for the first time... It was really heartbreaking. →_→

Anyway, this is the first time she said these three words to him, and she didn't hear them!

Could it be that her voice was too low just now?Also, the nasal voice is too heavy, and the words are not clear, so I can't blame him.


Qiao Chujian tiptoed again, grabbed his shirt collar, pinched the delicate knot of the tie, and pulled him to tie it in front of her, curling her peach-colored lips with a smile,

"I said, Ayu, I love you, do you hear me clearly now?"

She paused every word, smiled sweetly, and blinked at the last question, brushing his face with long and dense eyelashes.

It was as if he had drawn the most perfect ending with the most delicate strokes on the piece of rice paper spread out in his heart.

"If you haven't heard clearly, I..." He confessed on the screen, why is she being hypocritical, Qiao Chujian hugged his neck even more and continued.

But before he could finish a sentence, there was a "woo**" in his throat, and he kissed deeply on the thin lips that were already close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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