I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1467 Wife in a hurry?

Chapter 1467 Wife in a hurry?

What about me...well...

"You can choose to walk back by yourself." The big boss said lightly, and there was a "hehe" laughter from the boss's wife.

The handsome assistant immediately wiped his eyes, and cried again holding the pillars in the hall until the water in the West Lake made me cry.

Boss, anyway, I am also heartbroken because of the century-old relationship between you and the boss's wife, not to mention dedicating myself to death!

You actually let me walk back by myself!walk back...

It's just too dark of conscience!

He is going to report his resignation tomorrow!Otherwise, the wages will be raised!I really won't play threats with you this time!

I feel pain in my chest...┭┮﹏┭┮


outside the airport.

Shangguanyu and Qiao Chujian walked out holding hands, followed by a large crowd of fans.

The two people's footsteps are even faster in tacit understanding, but their thoughts are completely different.

Just as Shangguanyu opened the car door for her, Qiao Chu quickly got in as if seeing a little rabbit, causing another smile on his lips.

I'm really ashamed.

He bent down slightly, followed by his upper body, stretched out his arms, and with a "click", helped her fasten her seat belt.

Qiao Chujian pretended to be calm and sat on the co-pilot, and glanced out of the car seemingly unintentionally. Seeing the fans outside the car who kept taking pictures, his eyes lit up again.

"Hurry up." The girl urged in a low voice, with a bit of cuteness and softness.

There are so many people outside, why are you dawdling!

Shangguanyu's throat moved slightly, and he leaned forward, grabbing her pursed red lips, sucked lightly between his teeth, and then let go.

"Wife is in a hurry?" His frivolous laughter lingered under the tip of his nose, which was extremely charming and meaningful.

Seeing a lump in his throat, Qiao Chu understood something, and his face burned instantly.


Finally, the black BMW business sedan sped away amidst the saluting and watching-off of the crowd at the airport.

in the car.

The nice song "Encounter" was still playing on the stereo.

The man in the driver's seat was holding the steering wheel with one hand, and his raised lips never moved. He looked at the girl beside him frequently at intervals of ten seconds.

A pair of smoky black eyes were shining brightly, as if they gathered together countless stars in the sky, and they floated together, imprinting her creamy and beautiful face.

"Drive well, don't look at me anymore." Qiao Chujian said suddenly, with the coyness unique to girls in her tone.

Seriously, this driver is not professional at all!

Negative Ratings! o(╯□╰)o


Shangguanyu looked over again, his eyes narrowed dangerously,

"How do you know I'm looking at you if you don't look at me?"

"I didn't look at you, I knew it just by looking at me." Qiao Chujian pursed her lips, feigning anger to shake off his hand.

Between the seats of the two, their hands have been holding each other since they got on the car.

"My wife, I was wrong." Shangguanyu waved the little white flag resolutely, smiling very flatteringly.

Leaning slightly sideways again, he took her thin hand and brought it to his lips, kissed her on the tiger's mouth, rubbing lightly with his fingertips.

Qiao Chujian grinned, dammit, my wife is the biggest, she remembers this sentence clearly.

Outside the front window of the car, the bright white moonlight came in, and her gentle and delicate face was reflected in this soft color, with affectionate brows and eyes, making the smile on the corner of her lips even more shy.

Shangguanyu blinked, his heart felt hot, and the enthusiasm in his body burned more wantonly.

 Seven more, and one more~!Big-tailed wolves want to eat meat~



(End of this chapter)

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