I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1472 The mother-in-law is here, where is my daughter-in-law? 1

Chapter 1472 The mother-in-law is here, where is my daughter-in-law? 1

Downstairs, the doorbell was still ringing.

Qiao Chujian pushed his shoulder again, and said softly,

"Someone looking for you."

Shangguanyu frowned slightly, today is the weekend, who is looking for him?Suddenly, his eyebrows twitched and he thought of something.


"I'll go down and have a look, you lie down a little longer." He lowered his head and kissed her face, then pulled the ice silk blanket over her body.

When she pulled it up, she accidentally brushed her palm against the soft edge of her chest, she didn't say anything and immediately took her hand away, but directly covered her breasts and rubbed and caressed her breasts openly, her fingertips nibbling.

Qiao Chu was stunned when he saw it for the first time.

"you you……"

"My wife has to get used to it." Shangguanyu smiled lowly, pinched her pretty pointed chin again, lowered his head, grabbed her lips and kissed her hard, then rolled over and got off the bed.

He took another set of light blue satin silk home clothes from the closet, and in front of Qiao's first meeting, he put on the trousers first, and then put on the clothes.

The movements are quite...slow.


Until there was only a certain girl left in the room, her cheeks as white as snow were already so red that her face was burning with the sunset glow.

Suddenly, his head flicked, as if the seven souls and six souls that had been snatched away had all returned to their places, and with a very sad and indignant groan, he turned his head and plunged into the soft pillow, wrapped in a smooth and comfortable silk blanket. Roll on the bed...

What did the big tail wolf say before leaving the room?

[It seems that there are not only beauty tricks, but also beauty tricks. 】

Qiao Chujian burst into tears...


Beauty misleads people!Misunderstanding!

Qiao Chujian was clutching the corner of the silk blanket and repenting silently in his heart. From the corner of the eye, he glanced casually and saw the tablet computer that was left aside by Shangguanyu before, and the opened webpage hadn't exited yet.


Shangguanyu came down from upstairs, with a playful smile on his lips.


The doorbell rang twice again.

When he saw the two people standing outside the door from the small window screen of the camera on the wall of the entrance, he pursed the corners of his mouth, coughed, and opened the door.

"Daddy, Mommy." Shangguanyu shouted twice with a calm expression.

Shangguan Yao and Ye Qi stood outside the door. These two were the father and mother of Shangguan's son's family.

Shangguanyu looks very much like his father, especially when he was young, he was teased by Ye Qi as a big and small Shangguan, but now that he has grown up, he doesn't look so similar, but the look on his brows is exactly the same.

Standing there, Shangguan Yao gave off a strong aura of indifference and arrogance. Moreover, this feeling was more restrained, stable and mature.

Ye Qi is also a beauty, with a delicate appearance, not long hair, but a head of bright and chic short hair, dyed a light flaxen color.

These two people stand together, but they are an exceptionally harmonious match. No one would believe that they are Shangguan Yu's elder brother and sister-in-law.

It's too young.


Ye Qiyang pushed her hand away, pushed Shangguanyu's shoulder away, looked around the room with her eyes open, and lowered her voice,

"Tsk, why are you alone, where is my daughter-in-law?"

Shangguanyu silently glanced at his mother's disgusting gesture of pushing his hands just now, then turned his head to look at Shangguanyao, and couldn't help but tugged at the corners of his eyes.

In other families, Lao Tzu despises sons, such as Ji Yaoxie, Xiao Feifei, and the little tyrant Situ, who have been beaten by their own father's elbows since they were young...but his family is very different.

He was not so "abuse" by his father, but was enough despised by his wife Shangguan.



(End of this chapter)

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