I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1490 Wife, do you want to recognize my Zhang family? 1

Chapter 1490 Wife, do you want to go home with me and recognize the door? 1

Chi Shenshen shocked Xuansheng Beishan.

"You go upstairs first, and I'll leave after entering the house and turning on the lights."

Chi Shenshen pulled his collar again, tiptoed, kissed his handsome thin lips,

"Erguazi, I also like you!"

So, a certain little Beibei turned on the crazy and silly mode, until the living room lights on the sixth floor of the small apartment came on, and laughed to himself for a full quarter of an hour before driving away.

After a while, "Ding", a message on the mobile phone reminded that his Weibo paid special attention to "deeply captured" and posted a Weibo,

[Shoulder. 】

Below is a photograph of the left wrist wearing the agate stone bracelet.

Xuan Shengbei's eyebrows twitched twice inexplicably.


In the next half month, everyone will be a little busy.

Because Jing Qingge's due date is getting closer, Ji Yicheng babbles more and more all day long, wishing that the beginning of every sentence would be,

"Qing Bao'er, are you hungry, thirsty, tired..."

She was almost disgusted by Ji Sanshao's white eyes, and then Ai Qianqian said, "Ji Moji, when I was pregnant, you yourself were so virtuous."

Ji Sanshao, "..." There was no sound here.

Qiao Chujian also carried out domestic promotion with the crew, until the NO.12 of this month, the summer season of "Golden Princess" officially launched.

The ratings on the first day broke the record for the highest ratings of a TV series for three consecutive years, and the entire crew was overwhelmed with excitement.

Not to mention the three leading actors, Shui Fu and Han Liang, they have long been first-line actors, so they are naturally more popular. Qiao Chujian's Weibo fans increased from more than 1000 million to more than 3000 million overnight.

This time, it was not the first-time girl herself who raised the question with a look of shock, but a manager.


"Boss, did you spend money on fans for your wife..." Cindy asked in a weak tone.

Shangguanyu was sitting in the president's office, watching the data report just sent by the film and television media department, raised his cold eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips,

"My family relied on strength for the first time. Do you still need me to buy a navy?"

That tone, that countenance... Don't be too arrogant, okay?

Cindy's eyes widened in an instant, and her face brightened.

F***ing trough!

Those who dare to rise in love are true fans!

Although she had known for a long time that the first meeting would definitely be popular, but this surprise was really too bombastic...

Cindy held her excited little heart tightly on her chest quite artificially, coughed twice and took a deep breath,

"Boss, what about the Golden Movie Awards?"

Shangguanyu's eyelids were slightly closed, and his slender fingers tapped on the desk.

When Cindy came out of the office, she had a smile on her face, and the big boss assistant came over with sharp eyes,

"What's the matter, laughing so happily?"

Cindy patted the assistant on the shoulder,

"Invite you to dinner tonight! For the glorious years we fought together on the road of the big boss and the boss's wife!"

"No, I invite you."

"I'm waiting for your words!"


The ratings of "Prince of the Prosperous Age" have been high for a week after it aired, and Qiao Chu felt completely relaxed when she saw this. Along with the popularity of TV dramas, there are also a steady stream of advertising endorsements delivered to her door, as well as new movie and TV scripts.

Qiao Chujian is like a dark horse, completely becoming popular in the entertainment industry.

Recently, she has been very free. With a swipe of a pen, the big boss ordered my wife to rest and take a vacation!Cindy dared not drag her to catch up with the announcement!

However, such a leisurely mood was choked down by the big boss's words, and his little heart rose in his throat in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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