I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1503 Tonight, Golden Film Awards Ceremony Party 2

Chapter 1503 Tonight, Golden Film Awards Ceremony Party 2

Tonight, the Golden Film Awards Ceremony Gala.

A grand ceremony in the film and television industry, domestic entertainers and old drama stars are all gathered, it is simply a gathering of big names.


The red carpet that has already been laid extends to the long steps to the signature board, surrounded by reporters from various entertainment media across the country.


Numerous in-focus lenses.

Outside the cordon, they were surrounded by a wave of fans. They could not wait to hold the huge posters of their idols and squatted on the spot since early morning, screaming and cheering wave after wave.


Inside the spacious compartment.

Shangguanyu and Qiao Chujian sat side by side.

He stretched out his hand to wrap around her waist, and with the other hand, he held her delicate and jade-like hand, which was not too tight, neither light nor heavy, and the slightly rough fingertips just covered the back of her hand.

Qiao Chujian was wearing an extremely luxurious evening dress, his face was more refined after makeup, his brows and eyes were picturesque, and the faint light in his eyes made him feel soft.

"Wife, are you nervous?" Shangguanyu said suddenly, his magnetic voice was low and mellow, and his eyes fell slightly on the fingertips she had been unconsciously picking at the palm of his hand.

Qiao Chu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly pursed the corners of her lips, a small fine line was barely visible on those moist and bright red lips, and she let out a very soft "Uh", the crisp tone was a bit low,

"It's my first time walking the red carpet."

Can you be nervous?

The Golden Film Awards is the largest awards ceremony in the domestic film and television industry.

Absolutely not joking with you.


In front, Cindy, who had been pretending to be deaf and airy, suddenly turned her head around, staring at the handsome couple in the back seat with gloomy eyes.

"See you for the first time, later on you are going to crush the audience.

If you are really nervous, don't look at the camera, just look at the big boss next to you!Affectionate and affectionate ones will do! "

Shangguanyu raised his eyebrows, "Good idea."

When Qiao first met, "..."

Sister Cindy, how many red envelopes have you received from the big boss! o(╯□╰)o

Shangguanyu smiled, gently squeezed her tightly twisted thin fingers, and twisted them one by one, the kind of fingers tightly intertwined,

"When I first met, no matter what time, I will always be by your side."

Qiao Chujian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and the condensed speck in the bottom of his eyes suddenly spread out, like a floating star.


The assistant to the president who is also the driver in the front driver's seat also speaks boldly,

"With the boss covering her, it's no problem for the boss's wife to walk sideways in the entire entertainment industry!"

"The world is invincible!" Cindy echoed.

"It's just..."

Shangguanyu and Qiao Chujian suddenly turned their heads to look at each other, squinting their eyes slightly.

Cindy, "..."


What's wrong with this?

"When did the two of you cooperate so well?" The big boss asked in a cool tone.

Qiao Chujian also squinted and smiled, "Singing in unison?"

The two migrant workers in front looked at each other for a moment, Cindy blushed slightly, and slapped the assistant on the shoulder, "Damn it, we are your allies on the road to a century-old relationship!"

"Ahem..." The assistant remained silent.

The big boss and the proprietress have the same "we understand" expression.


Qiao Chujian was smiling when he received a call from Jing Qingge.

"See you for the first time, where have you been? We are almost there!" Jing Qingge's excited wailing came over the phone.

Qiao Chu curled up the corners of his mouth when he first saw it, "We're coming too."

(End of this chapter)

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