I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1512 First meeting, would you like to be my wife of Shangguan 2

Chapter 1512 First meeting, would you like to be my wife of Shangguan 2

He was walking towards her step by step in this radiant background.

In the microphone, his low-alcohol and mellow voice also entered gently during a bass melody.


"All kinds of accidents happen every day in this world, but there are very few of them that really belong to you.

The unexpected encounter on campus three years ago, I fell in love at first sight, that was the beginning of the encounter story; the reunion a year ago, I saw Zhong Xin again, that was the development of the encounter story.

Therefore, you are the most beautiful accident in my life to me. "

In the air, the melody floating in the air was softer and gentler, rendering his charming voice even more thrilling and bewitching.

Qiao Chu Jianjing stood where she was, her eyes were already full of hot flashes, with ripples spreading round and round, and the water was shining brightly.

He had already walked in front of her, his pair of clear and clear lacquer eyes were even brighter, clearer and more determined...

Just staring at her for a moment, bewitched/bewitched.

It's even impossible to look away half an inch.


Shangguanyu smiled slowly, and the thin light in his eyes flickered, like stars floating,

"I can probably understand what that sentence means.

[If life is only as it was first seen, you will not fail the Tathagata and not the Qing. 】”

This sentence was the slogan chanted by her fans when she was walking the red carpet in the outfield.

"Because I met you, I lowered my eyebrows and lowered my posture. I am not cold and arrogant, nor cool at all. The only thing I want is to be your Shangguan son, the simplest and most beautiful girl you meet for the first time. Trustworthy to rely on.

I like you, the kind of love that I want to marry you and go home immediately, I want to be with you, the kind that is the same as the old gray-haired one, I want to stay with you, in the prosperous and fleeting years. Here, the years are quiet and good, so far.

You are mine, the future can be expected. "


I don't know if it's because the lights on the ceiling are too dazzling. Qiao Chu saw that the moisture in the bottom of his eyes became more astringent and painful, and his throat was so choked that he couldn't speak a word.

His soft voice resounded in the huge awards venue, like sparks ignited, penetrated from the cochlea, and fell straight to the apex of the heart.

In the softest and most immature place, countless fireworks of happiness were ignited.

She remembered that he missed her a romantic proposal.

Unexpectedly, at such a grand awards ceremony, at the important moment of her first award, he gave her an unforgettable memory in her life.

No encounter, no story.

This is their story.

Find a good man, so far.

"Meet you for the first time, I love you." The moment the words were finished, the twinkle in her eyes could not be restrained anymore, like a most gentle storm.

"Patta's defeat?br />
It fell straight out.

Crystal clear.


Also at this moment, as everyone exclaimed in unison, countless rose petals floated down from the ceiling in the entire awards venue.

It was like a rain of roses named Encountering Love, which conveyed the most beautiful and delicate romantic happiness to the hearts of everyone at the scene with the rich and refreshing fragrance of flowers.

"Boom—defeat?br />
Another soft sound that was audible enough.

Qiao Chujian's eyes, which were already wet with tears, saw him kneeling on one leg and kneeling straight at her feet.

It was also that sound that made her hot heart feel numb, and the old red thread trembled gently along with it.

The two ends of the red thread are tied to her and him.

(End of this chapter)

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