I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1533 Big meow, how about we give birth to one for fun 1

Chapter 1533 Big meow, how about we give birth to one for fun 2

Now we ate together in the ward.

Xiao Jintang also came to the ward to join in the fun, so hurry up to join in.

What Ai Qianqian made for Jing Qingge was mushroom porridge, plain egg custard, and lotus root pork ribs soup. As for the small group, each of them had a big bowl of shrimp wontons.


Everyone looked at the porridge, soup and thick soup in front of Qingge with their bowls in their hands, and swallowed.

"Little aunt, did you send us away with just a bowl of wontons?" Xuan Fei moved over in small steps, with a flattering and flattering gaze of a large shepherd dog.

Xuan Zhihuang, Mo Nuannuan, and Ji Yinuoqi brushed their heads, that's it, anyway, it's the first meal back home.

Ai Qianqian twitched her eyes,

"Want to eat? Yes? You are also pregnant and have a baby, so you will have breakfast like cutie."


Xuan Zhihuang was serious about eating the small wontons, um, they were delicious.

Mo Nuannuan and Mo Nuannuan's eyes flickered for a while, and they suddenly wanted to be cold and handsome.

Ji Yinuo was fed a mouthful of small wontons by Su Yan, and immediately laughed arrogantly again.

Ai Qianqian swept over again,

"Especially the non-little three, the breakfast that my aunt keeps for you is ten times richer than the little cutie!"

"Cough...cough cough..." A certain Fei Xiaosan completely choked her throat, almost swallowed a small wonton abruptly, her throat got stuck, she spit and pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes while howling,

"People are just talking, little aunt, you really must not take it seriously!!!"

Jing Qingge couldn't help laughing, and was fed porridge by Ji Yicheng mouthful, the big boss scoffed coldly,

"This is called the biggest parturient, do you understand?"

A group of brothers and sisters are very pious, and they all understand!

Even Ji Sanshao and Xiao Jintang couldn't help laughing, as long as these little bastards got together, they would make a big fuss, and now there are two more little milk bags.


Just as Ji Yinuo ate the small wontons in Su Yan's mouth, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his stomach.

As if something was churning, it surged straight up, stuffing my chest so tight.

Su Yan stood by the side before he could react, and was about to feed another one, when Ji Yinuo suddenly waved his hand, turned around and rushed to the bathroom.

"Wow wow..."

There was the sound of a toilet flushing.

Ji Yinuo kept throwing up on the toilet, but he just ate a ravioli just now. He was too sleepy after flying back from Italy last night and didn't eat anything, so he just retched, with nausea in his stomach. .

Su Yan bent over and knelt beside him with one leg, holding a glass of water in his hand, and patted Ji Yinuo's back, his handsome half-race face was wrinkled, and he looked anxious.

"Xiao Nuo, what's the matter, why did you suddenly vomit? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Ai Qianqian and Ji Sanshao also followed and stood at the door.

Ji Yinuo took a sip from the water cup and rinsed his mouth, then he breathed a sigh of relief,

"It's okay, I just lost my appetite again."


Hearing this, Su Yan's face turned pale and ugly, remembering that Xiao Nuo's appetite has always been up and down these days.

It was the same a few days ago. They were eating at a Michelin restaurant in Houston. As soon as the order was served, Xiao Nuo ran away after taking two bites.

That's why he decided to quickly end his wedding trip and bring Xiao Nuo to have a good checkup when he came back. He didn't have the strength to accept even a little bit of bad news from her.

Not at all...

(End of this chapter)

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