I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1535 What a happy pulse! 2

Chapter 1535 What a happy pulse! 2

"Tsk, little Miaomiao will be here as soon as it is said, there is no need to make humans tonight..."

A certain father-in-law was putting on airs next to him with a cold face, why couldn't he help but jump for joy in his heart, he just became a grandfather, and he was about to become a grandfather.

Then he looked at a certain son-in-law who was completely dumbfounded, rolled his eyes, feeling extremely disgusted.

Look at that silly meow!

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮


Afterwards, Xiao Jintang took Ji Yinuo for a detailed examination, and Su Yan was naturally his personal escort throughout the whole process.

The results of the examination came out, Ji Yinuo was five weeks pregnant, that is, a few days more than a month, and the fetus was normal.

"Here comes a honeymoon baby!" Xiao Jintang sighed with emotion, looking at the young couple who were so surprised that they had no time to take care of themselves, "It's done, I'll go and share the joy of my grandson with Ji Sanqian, the office is reserved for You two love each other."

This light bulb is really too bright!

Once Xiao Jintang left, they were the only ones left in the huge hospital office.

It was incredibly quiet.

Su Yan tightly held Ji Yinuo's little hand, although his expression was calm, Ji Yinuo still saw it.

Those clean eyes were moist and clear, and a hot mist slowly floated up.

Constantly rich.

I also felt that he was holding her big hand, trembling, imperceptibly.

Ji Yinuo raised his curved lips, bright as a ray of light, which made his heart warm.

"How about it, big meow, are you surprised! Are you surprised!"

She raised her hand and patted her stomach, flirting/joking unscrupulously, "In eight or nine months, I will be able to hold little Miaomiao and play with me!"


Seeing this, Su Yan was shocked all over and was quite frightened. He quickly grabbed Ji Yinuo's wrist, took her whole body into his arms, and then directly hugged her and sat on his lap, whispering softly between his lips and teeth. ,

"Xiao Nuo, take it easy..."

That tone of voice was so gentle that his heart melted, it was indescribably gentle and doting.

Take it easy.

The girl he holds in his palm.

It was at this time that Ji Yinuo's nose became sore, and his eyes also had a surge of heat, which just fell out without warning.

A string of teardrops fell on the slightly open collarbone of his collar, which was moist and warm for a moment.

Su Yan shivered almost imperceptibly, pinched her chin, lifted it up gently, and wiped away the crystals that slid off her cheeks with his fingertips.

With a bow, Kou Hong's thin lips fell on her bright lips.

There was a gorgeous smile there, which surpassed all brilliance.

He sucked and kissed gently, inch by inch, tracing, outlining...

With incomparable warmth, it is regarded as a treasure.

Do not plunder, do not capture.

Let all her coquettish and domineering.


Ji Yinuo just lay on his body, like a cute koala, like every time they are intimate, she "ravages" his lips presumptuously.

With a touch of sweet fragrance, soft and soft, and slippery.

"Big Meow, are you happy?"

She was hanging on his neck, and her slender fingers pinched lightly on the back of his sensitive neck.

The curve of the corners of Su Yan's lips became more obvious, and she kissed him mouth by mouth, naturally feeling the most clearly.

"Happy, so happy that I'm going crazy..." Su Yan said in a low voice.

She is his lucky three lives.

Ji Yinuo raised his eyes at this time, a pair of crescent moon eyes filled with a hazy mist, and a too bright light shot out from the bottom of the eyes, and there was a bit of evil... Evil evil?

(End of this chapter)

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