I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1561 His Family Has Been Strange Recently 1

Chapter 1561 His Family Has Been Strange Recently 1

Xuan Shengbei fed the peeled macadamia nuts into her mouth.

Chi Shenshen rolled his eyes,

"is it?"


"Just now your assistant said that the company is very busy recently..." Chi Shen said in a deliberately pleasant tone.

"..." Xuan Sheng's back trembled slightly.

Depend on**!His assistant is really stupid!

[Here the assistant burst into tears again:

People just report to your girlfriend about your busy and hard work, thinking about the big boss being comforted by your girlfriend!How kind to treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs!Who is this!



Chi Shenshen said again,

"Actually, you influenced me to check Weibo, and I feel pitiful if I ignore you."

"xiu~~~", a small arrow hit a certain Erbai's heart with incomparable precision, and Xuan Shengbei burst into tears.

"Shen Shen, then I'll go to work." The president's tone was quite aggrieved by the little daughter-in-law.

"Go." Chi Shen waved his hand, and slapped him on the forehead, especially in a calm and breezy manner, with a strong sense of sight of "Xiao Beizi kneels down for the empress".

Xuan Shengbei, "..."

Silently acquiescing to his fate, with a faint slander in his heart, who told him that he likes his family's deep savagery!

Xuan Shengbei got up and went to the desk, turning his head three times a step at a time,

"Shen Shen, tell me if you're bored."

"You're right next to me, why am I bored?" Chi Shenshen blurted out without thinking.


As soon as the words were finished, there was a "whoosh" in front of my eyes, and the man who had walked a few meters away suddenly turned back.

Xuan Shengbei squatted directly in front of her, held her wrist firmly, and grinned like a cute dog.

Chi Shenshen was taken aback for a moment, then laughed again,

"What are you doing, startle me."

"Deep." Xuan Shengbei took her hand and shook it lightly again, a pair of black eyes flashed with blue light, shining so charmingly, "Why did you think of coming to my office today?"

Chi deeply raised his eyelids,

"Tsk tsk, why did you ask me for a long time?"

"Ahem..." It's...a tacit consent, but what... he rolled on the bed last night thinking about this question for most of the night.


Chi Shen raised his eyebrows again,

"I just think it's time for my real girlfriend to show up."


"What are you, is it strange?"

"No, no, no..." Xuan Shengbei rattled his head left and right, touched his nose again, and there was a pure smile between his handsome brows, "It's just a little sudden..."


Suddenly, Chi Shenshen looked slightly stunned, but only for a moment, he spoke more righteously,

"What's a surprise if it's not sudden?"

Xuan Shengbei's head was full of foolishness, and his squatting body leaned forward, "baji" kissed the corner of Chi Shenshen's mouth,

"Special surprise!"

Chi Shenshen let out a roguish snort, thinking of something again, his bright eyes narrowed,

"By the way, I've prepared all your birthday presents, it's definitely a big surprise!"

Xuan Shengbei's whole face lit up with a "swish", his birthday is next Friday.

"Do you want to know what it is?"

Young Master Erbai clicked on his head, thinking!Especially think about it!

"Secret first!"


"Hurry up and go, don't bother me to check Weibo!"

"Yeah!" Xuan Shengbei didn't worry about presents any more, no matter what Shen Shen gave him, it would be his most precious, and he got up in a hurry.

When he turned around, his wrist suddenly tightened, and when he looked down, he saw his arm was grabbed.

(End of this chapter)

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