I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1566 Birthday Gift 1

Chapter 1566 Birthday Gift 1

Xuan Shengbei noticed the suitcase beside her.

Suddenly, his face froze, his heart clenched, and some kind of inexplicable emotion leaked into pieces.

"Shen Shen, this is... what is it?"


Naturally, Chi Shenshen didn't miss the corners of his mouth that had just been tightened for a moment between his brows, his eyes flashed, he bent down and patted the suitcase, and said with a smile,

"A birthday present for you!"

Xuan Shengbei was a little dazed again, and looked at the suitcase carefully from head to toe again, with a horrified expression of "I don't believe this is a birthday present at all".

Chi Shenshen really didn't mean to crack down on fakes, it was just a birthday present for him, that's...

Thinking about it, Chi Shenshen couldn't help but his eyes flashed, a strange light flashed across, and he poked his frowning brow again,

"Why are you still standing there, move it to the trunk first, and then unwrap the presents later."

"Oh..." So, Xuan Er Shao carried the suitcase to the car with a bright expression.

Chi touched his chin deeply and sighed, a handsome man missed his whole life, even the posture of carrying a box is so... peerless.

I'm even more reluctant.

Get in the car.

When Xuan Shengbei looked over, Chi Shenshen didn't know what he was thinking, and a pair of eyebrows that were always raised high frowned together.


Chi raised his eyes deeply, smiled, leaned his upper body slightly, and quickly kissed him on his thin red lips,

"Happy birthday, Erbai."

Then, Xuan Shengbei drove to the restaurant with pink chrysanthemums bubbling all the way smiling.


Dinner is set at the French restaurant on the second floor of Baolong Hotel.

This hotel is owned by Xuan's Group, and the president even ordered in advance that the western restaurant will be closed today.

When Chi Shen was held by Xuan Shengbei and walked into the western restaurant together, the manager of the restaurant who had been waiting at the door had his eyes lit up, and hurried up to meet him with small steps, holding a large bouquet of delicate red roses in his hand flower.

Xuan Shengbei took the rose and held it under her eyes, the most beautiful color like love, filled with the richest fragrance,

"Deep, for you."

"What are you doing? It's not my birthday today, you're the birthday star." That's what he said, but the flowers still have to be collected, and Chi deeply embraced him unceremoniously, very precious.

Xuan Shengbei's eyes flicked back and forth for a moment, coughed twice, and said something in his mouth.

Chi Shenshen couldn't hear clearly, and saw that the ears of this guy were flushed, and it tended to spread towards his cheeks.


But if you send flowers, you can send flowers, and she just said casually, it's not like he hasn't sent flowers before.

Before, I wished I could carry such a big bouquet in my arms every day when I picked her up from school, so don't be too high-profile and coquettish, for fear that others would not know that he is her boyfriend.

So why is this Erguazi still shy?

The route of an innocent niche?

It seems that her charm index is too high, Erbai can't control her sex!

A certain girl is extremely narcissistic in her heart...

Soon, the restaurant manager came to serve the food himself.

Classic French red wine steak, caramelized pineapple fried foie gras, almond trout, butter lobster, and Cheese tiramisu dessert salad.

All of them are Chi Shenshen's favorite food. Of course, today's birthday is the birthday cake.

Chi Shenshen was eating the steak he had just cut for her in one bite, with a particularly satisfied smile on the corners of his honey red lips, and Xuan Shengbei could see his spirit when he looked at it.

(End of this chapter)

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