I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1568 2 White, let's spend together tonight 1

Chapter 1568 Erbai, Let's Live Together Tonight 1

There was a thin layer of sweat on the palms, and it was still hot.

The other big hand lowered slowly.

In the darkness, the thin lips parted slightly in a grin.


"Erbai, when I went out today, I agreed with my parents that I would not go home today. Let's spend this evening together."

One sentence, very delicate and waxy, but said it in a rascally way, and I could clearly hear the nervousness in the girl's tone after mustering up a hundred thousand tons of courage, and more... the corners of her mouth were pressed down at all. He couldn't help but smile wantonly.

In this sweet and fermented silent darkness, the fragrance of roses and the milky fragrance of ice cream cake are still enveloping under the tip of the nose, and they just fall into the air so lightly.


There was a whirl around his already red ears.

And then penetrated the eardrum.

Going straight to the place where the throbbing couldn't stop, repeating constantly, the point is... the last sentence she said,

【Tonight, let's spend together...】

Let's live together...

A certain Xuan Er Shao suddenly... his head crashed.

It seems that all the brain nerves that are not high in emotional intelligence are entangled together into a twist ball, and it is the kind that is dipped in a lot of honey syrup.

Sweet...and crispy...and charred and delicious.

The bustling "thump, boom, boom" like fireworks exploding in the chest is having a party.

I organized it in my mind for the whole night... No, the words and sentences of the whole day have all turned into Chinese characters that he doesn't know at all.

It's over, I can't remember what he was going to do just now.


next second.

"Patta's defeat?br />
The glazed chandeliers on the ceiling of the entire restaurant were instantly lit up.

The falling lights were so dazzling that the two people who were still deeply immersed in the romantic darkness just now couldn't adapt for a while, and subconsciously squinted their eyes.

Let the gorgeous beam of light seep in from the slits of the eyes bit by bit.

When Xuan Shengbei's vision changed from blind to clear, Chi Shenshen was already cutting the cake with a knife with a calm expression.

She carefully cut off the word "Erbai" written on the cake with pure chocolate gravy, and just cut it into two pieces, and gave him the "two" piece, after all, this guy is the owner of the word "two". !

The other piece with "white" was given to herself, and then she comfortably took a bite out with a fork, fed it to her mouth, it was delicious, and urged him to eat it too.

Xuan Shengbei still looked like a dick, staring at his girlfriend with burning eyes, carefully observing the very calm and breezy expression on her face.

Suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched, uh... Did he have auditory hallucinations just now...?

Could it be that he was too excited and... desperate for a moment, so he made up a sweet couple drama in his head?

It seems that such a situation does occur when people are extremely excited or sad.

A certain little Beibei was suffering from self-doubt.

However, he heard clearly what Shen Shen said just now, saying that we will spend tonight together...

At this moment, it is still repeating in my ears like a ecstasy!



"Cough cough..." A certain young master Bei was a little unwilling to give up. He grasped her wrist and unconsciously clenched it tightly, speaking in a flat voice, "Shen Shen, what did you just... say?"

"I told you to eat the cake." Chi deeply lowered his head and gnawed on the cake, he couldn't see her face that was already red with tomato scrambled eggs.

"It's not this sentence, you said it just after blowing out the candles."

 The mother rabbit is so cute and rolls around begging for a monthly ticket!Please recommend tickets!



(End of this chapter)

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