I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1575 So, She Don't Want Him Anymore

Chapter 1575 So, She Don't Want Him Anymore

Without his knowledge...

She has already decided on all of this, and put it into practice very thoroughly, applying for a school...leaving City A...studying for two years...

However, he was not included in all her plans.

There is no Gua Erbai.

Even, she was going to fly to New York tomorrow morning, and she still hasn't told him, saying, [Erbai, I'm going to study in New York. 】


So, did she leave him?

She was going to...don't want him.


Suddenly, Xuan Shengbei didn't know when his stiff and stagnant back trembled violently, as if a heavy iron rod hit the back of his head severely.

He didn't even have the chance to groan and cry out in pain...

on the ceiling.

A beam of extravagant chandelier light fell, casting a darker thin shadow under his drooping eyelids, and his eyes, which were always smiling with deep eye sockets, were filled with panic and coldness that had never been seen before.

His pale face was reflected more clearly.

Xuan Shengbei opened his mouth weakly, but suddenly a pain surged up in his throat.

Then a deeper bitterness filled the air, continuously fermenting, swallowing all the fresh blood in his body bit by bit...


how so……

Why is this happening?

Obviously half an hour ago, she made a birthday wish with him, hoping to spend every birthday with her in the future.

Just 10 minutes ago, she gave him a suitcase full of gifts...

She even took the initiative to hug him and kissed his lips, so lingering and charming, indulgent/indulgent, and...the last carefully prepared birthday present...

Suddenly, Xuan Shengbei's whole body shook, Mo Ran's lacquered eyes widened for a moment, as if thinking of something, his neck was extremely stiff and he slowly lowered his head.

His eyes fell on the piles of gifts around him, and his pupils trembled sharply.

So, these... are the last...breakup gifts that Shen Shen gave him?Including that **** pajamas...

It was as if the iron rod that had been slammed down on the back of his head was churning wildly again in his head. For a moment, his too confused consciousness made him think of embarrassing words that he shouldn't have thought but had already broken his emotions.

Break up, pao...

In this era where feelings are like fast food, it is one of the most popular online words.


Suddenly, a heart, like falling into an ice cellar.

It kept sinking, and sinking again, and the palms that were tightly clenched were filled with cold sweat.

The eyeballs were even more sour, dark red, staring straight at the glass door.

In fact, he should have noticed it a long time ago...

This period of time is deeply abnormal, and I went to his office suddenly recently...sometimes when I was talking on the phone, I would suddenly hang up...and at the wedding ceremony between Shangguan and Chujian, he asked her "like What kind of wedding?" Now that I think about it carefully, she should have heard it at that time, but she deliberately pretended not to hear it...

Even just now, when he asked her why she gave him so many birthday presents, he actually saw the guilty look that flashed across her brows and eyes.

Only, he never cared.

Because he never thought that one day, Shen Shen would break up with him and leave him so suddenly...

He also pretended to be affectionate that she was also willing to marry him.

He even had his ring ready.


Slowly stretching out her hand, she took out the delicate dark red jewelry box from her trouser pocket that was interrupted twice tonight and failed to be lifted in front of her.

He is going to propose to Shen Shen...

 It's over~ Mom and rabbit are rolling around and begging for a monthly ticket!Please recommend tickets!Is there a reward~

  I feel sorry for Erbai, obviously he wants to eat meat!The big rabbit squats in the corner and grows radishes~~~~

  Good night, give me a sip (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

  (Are there any little rabbits from Sichuan? They must be fine. I pray for peace.)



(End of this chapter)

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