I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1584 Airport, he won't come...

Chapter 1584 Airport, he won't come...

"...It really was infected by Xuan Ershao's Xiaobai EQ!"

As soon as he said this, Chi Shenshen's blushing face immediately turned pale, a sob choked up in his throat, and his red eyes widened even more.

Until now, Erbai still hasn't appeared.

She's almost gone...


Jing Qingge and Qiao Chujian looked at each other. As the "Ten Thousand Years True Love Girlfriends Group", they naturally knew all the inside information, and they didn't avoid talking at all.

"Don't worry, Shenshen, Er Shao Xuan will definitely come." Qiao Chujian comforted softly.

Jing Qingge has already turned her head and winked at Ji Yicheng, and turned on the "husband and wife file silent communication mode",

[Have you contacted the person you are with? 】

Ji Da Boss silently wiped away his sweat,

【Qing Baoer, don't worry, I'm still looking, I'm still looking...┭┮﹏┭┮】

Qiao Chujian also frowned and looked over, Shangguanyu smiled very calmly, and then quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

The two big bosses cursed at the same sentence in their hearts,

"Damn it! Little Beibei, where did you die? If you don't come again, your girlfriend will really fly away..."

Boss is burning with rage.


International standard English was broadcast again in the radio in the airport lobby.

Check-in for international flight KA809 from City A to Manhattan, New York, USA has started.

Chi Shenshen suddenly felt a "thump" in his heart, his eyes flashed, and he said in a hoarse voice,

"He won't come..."

Jing Qingge and Qiao Chujian slumped together.

It was only then that Chi Shenshen realized that his tone of voice seemed to be too negative and negative, and he pouted the corner of his mouth in embarrassment.

"No, this time I guess I really pissed off Erbai.

Sure enough, Xiao Gezi hit it off, and ran away without farting. I really didn't even have time to cry. "

Jing Qingge, "..."

When Qiao first met, "..."

Qiqi choked on her throat again, really... I don't know how to put it, and I feel sorry for Chi Shenshen even more. Seeing that her eyes are so red that the teardrops can no longer hold back, she is trying her best to keep rolling in her eye sockets.


Jing Qingge couldn't help his eyes glowing hot,

"Come on, quickly put away the corners of your grinning mouth, your smile is uglier than crying."

"That's right, Xiao Gezi and I are still pretending to be strong and optimistic." Qiao Chujian's gentle and gentle voice was also tinged with a buzzing nasal sound.

As a result, the fury above the heads of the two boss husbands was even more sparked with lightning, and they continued to slander and growl:

[Xiao Beibei, I, Qing Baoer (meeting you for the first time), was anxious and sad with your girlfriend!How to calculate this account! 】

Chi Shenshen's heart was warm and soft for a moment, and he sucked his nose hard again, and then the corners of his mouth dropped,

"After all, it will be your days and my nights from now on, two years is not two or three days, so you can't allow me to be a little hypocritical and have a girlfriend's feelings?"

Jing Qingge resolutely despised her, her tone was arrogant,

"What's wrong with the United States, I can ask Ji Yicheng to drive me to New York in a private jet at any time, and have a girlfriend! When I first met you, I asked your black-bellied boss to take you there with me!"

Next to them, the two men nodded their heads together.

Ji Yicheng, "That must be done!"

Shangguanyu, "That's for sure!"

Jing Qingge and Qiao Chujian rolled their eyes and smiled together, and Chi Shenshen was also amused by the two couples, and couldn't help joking,

"Although my current relationship status is a red flag, I am really, really happy to see the two most important friends in my life are so happy and so loving."

(End of this chapter)

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