I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1589 Use her best time to love a worthy person

Chapter 1589 Use her best time to love a worthy person

The thoughts of his family's hooligan girlfriend.

In fact, Shen Shen is not as chic and powerful as she appears on the outside. She is also a delicate little girl with many insecurities that are not hypocritical.

Her reluctance, her uneasiness, her bewilderment...and the "self-deception"-style stupid solution that seemed to be infected by his low EQ...

It's all because I like him so much.


Thinking of this, the expression between Xuan Shengbei's brows became softer, and his black eyes were so gentle that they could drip water.

Suddenly, Chi Shenshen's head flashed, and he almost sucked it in, and Li Hua's rainy eyeballs filled the world with hearts again.

With a curse in my heart, ****!

It is definitely 12 points of eyes!

She wants eggs/pains too!

(The premise is, ahem, she also has to have...→_→)

Chi pressed deeply against his chest, and then rubbed two strings of golden beans on the Italian haute couture, hand-cut white shirt... There may be some sticky...unknown things.

The instigator still looked arrogant and indifferent, and there was a tendency to develop in depth, and he slowed down after half a minute.

Xuan Shengbei looked down and couldn't help squinting and smiling.

This shirt is scrapped again.


Chi took a deep breath, since Xuan Shengbei suddenly appeared in the VIP first class cabin until now, she has really calmed down.

"Erbai." As soon as she opened her mouth, the hoarse voice frightened her, did she cry so hard just now?

Xuan Er Shao was very serious and silent in his heart, and took the water glass next to the sofa to feed it.

"Don't talk about a sore throat."

Chi took a deep sip and shook his head decisively.

She had been planning and preparing all day yesterday, and she finally had to wait for this two melons, so she had to finish it face to face, otherwise, would she have to make a video call after she went to the United States?


Chi Shenshen coughed again, changed from his previous sloppy playfulness, and said with a very serious expression,

"Erbai, before I met you, I always thought I was not bad, with fair skin and beautiful long legs (this sentence is really not her boasting, it's true!), and I can get my academic report card (Goddess Xueba is definitely not in vain), but this is what I thought about myself before I was with you.

Until I'm with you, you are the second youngest of the Xuan family, the young president of the Xuan's Group, with outstanding IQ and extraordinary abilities, and you have an innate status that makes people enviable and jealous.

What makes people grit their teeth the most is that it doesn't matter if you are rich, if you are talented, it means you are smart, which will help pass on the genes to the next generation, but the key is why you are so handsome, you wish you were more beautiful than me!The nympho fans chasing you are probably able to circle the earth three times!

Do you think I'm under a lot of pressure? ! "


As he was talking, Chi Shenshen didn't suppress another one, and the small flame in his chest ignited, started, came, and the last sentence was a roar.

"..." Xuan Shengbei's ears were buzzing suddenly, "Deeply, I..."

"Shut up! I'm not done yet!"

"..." Didn't you ask me deeply... A certain Erbai gritted his teeth silently and grew mushroom ing.

Chi pulled the corner of his mouth deeply, seeing his extremely sad and sad little eyes, his heart warmed, he grinned again, raised his hand to rub his face flirtatiously,

"That's why I have the idea of ​​studying in the United States. I want to make myself better and use my best time to love someone worthy of my love."

 There are two more~ Actually, it's really good, good, good, is there any?



(End of this chapter)

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