I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1599 The neighbor is a handsome senior studying abroad 2

Chapter 1599 The neighbor is a handsome senior studying abroad 2

Also a Chinese student at Columbia University.

As the saying goes, "when a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, there are tears in his eyes." At that time, they introduced themselves to each other. His name was Bai Yi, and the one whose surname was Nian, from the imperial capital, happened to also be studying economics at the business school, one level older than her. As for the others I didn't ask any more questions.

One is that I don’t have a cold, and the other is that I was in a hurry to go to school and didn’t have time.


"Junior girl, have you gone shopping?" Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled, his handsome facial features suddenly gave off a kind of masculine dignity and beauty.

Chi Shenshen was taken aback for a moment, and before he could react from the address of "school girl", he glanced around and found... no one, only then came to his senses and realized that the handsome neighbor was calling him, and opened his mouth lightly " "Ah",

"Well, I bought something to eat."

The smiling expression is neither alienated nor enthusiastic, silently complaining, are all the seniors in foreign countries so familiar?

It's just an acquaintance.


"Have you had lunch yet?" Bai Yi glanced at the plastic bag in Chi Shenshen's hand again.

Chi Shenshen continued to nod his head, shaking his elbow, the plastic bag made a rattling sound,

"So this is bought back."

"Then don't eat fast food, let's go, treat you to a big meal, and welcome the new neighbors to move in smoothly."

"..." Chi Shenshen's throat choked again, his head turned around, and before he had time to grit his teeth, he blurted out, with a slightly questioning tone, "Senior is so enthusiastic!"

After she finished speaking, she regretted a little bit.


After all, we are all compatriots of the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation who have worked hard and worked hard. From now on, we will all be neighbors and neighbors, and we will still be in the same school and major. What a difficult fate, and we will still be able to help in the future.

Besides, maybe she was just being polite, but it seemed that she was being a little too petty, which made it embarrassing.

Sure enough, Bai Yi was taken aback by Chi Shenshen's words, and immediately burst out laughing.

He leaned sideways on the door frame, folded his arms around his chest again, the corners of his thin red lips were slightly raised, and the tone of his mouth seemed to be tainted with a bit of frivolity/frivolity,

"Seniors should take good care of juniors. Enthusiasm is natural."

Hearing this, the little bit of regret lingering in Chi Shenshen's chest disappeared without a trace, dare the senior come to tease the **** girl!

Chi Shenshen narrowed his eyes slightly, opened the door with the key in his hand, and said with a tepid smile,

"It's still not a problem, fast food is delicious, and I have to call my fiance good night, so what, senior, you should go and solve lunch."

Saying that, Chi Shenshen shook his hand quite calmly, and the dove egg ring on his ring finger gleamed.

That means,

[The junior girl has already found a celebrity, so the senior who flirts with the younger sister must have sharp eyesight! 】

She swears she's really really low key!


Chi Shenshen had already turned the key and opened the door, but he didn't see the relaxed smile of the handsome senior next door.

"That's really a pity." Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled again, "Oh, by the way, if you don't want to be called senior, you can also call me Abo."

Chi Shenshen felt an inexplicable "thump" in his heart, glanced sideways at Bai Yi with a neurotic expression on his face, then walked into the room with a shopping bag in his hand, murmuring indistinctly.

Ah Bo...Ah Bo...Ah Bai?


Dare to have the same pronunciation as her family's Erbai name!

No wonder!

Chi Shenshen hurriedly rushed to the kitchen, threw the steak rice into the microwave oven, and made a call while holding his mobile phone.

"Did it fail?br />
 Two shifts first~ I've been on the road all day today, I'm getting tired, there are two shifts, okay~ The neighbor is a handsome senior, handsome senior~



(End of this chapter)

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