I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1601 2 Bai, the handsome senior has the same name as you

Chapter 1601 Erbai, the handsome senior has the same name as you

"I guess it's a little dry in autumn."

Chi deeply despised Hayan, and shouted fiercely,

"Don't tell me to take good care of myself, you too! If you have a cold and fever, I won't be by your side, let alone take care of you. Take it easy, you know?"

The last sentence was simply yelled out of his throat.

Chi Shenshen thought about calling him these days, and felt that he was very busy. The assistant answered the call yesterday.

It's really a piece of shit... God assisted, and cried a lot on the phone, saying that he was brutally abused by the president.


The other end of the phone turned a deaf ear, only the sound of even shallow breathing came.

Chi Shenshen's pair of upside-down slender eyebrows frowned even tighter.

Damn, these two idiots want to rebel, don't they? She's only been away for a few days, and now she's starting to ignore what her girlfriend and fiancee say? !

"Xuan Erbai, did you hear that!" The roar... the girl's anger towards her dantian could be felt from half a world away.

Then, a low laughing voice fell from the screen of the mobile phone into the air beside the ear, caught off guard,

"Shen Shen, I especially like you to kill me."

Heavy, slightly hoarse, like the low strings of a cello, gentle and soft, with a little laziness, charming and bewitching.

Hearing that, Chi Shenshen's ears twitched for no reason.

My mother, another ear kill!

Before meeting Gua Erbai, she was really a VIP of the Appearance Association, but since she fell in love, she found that she has no resistance to this kind of magnetic sound with a strong male hormone smell !


The little heart in Chi Shenshen's chest was beating out of rhythm with a "thump, thump, thump", and he tightly covered it with one paw. Fortunately, the spoon was made of iron, otherwise he would have to bite it off.

"You, you, don't act cute and obedient to me, I see that you have a 24K incomparably pure white and abusive physique! If you are not fierce for a day, you will feel uncomfortable and panic!"


"Um, what, did you hear what I just said?"

"I heard you, daughter-in-law." Er Shao Xuan carried forward the good qualities of kindness to the extreme.

A cluster of warm orange lights from the wall lamp fell down, deepening the unconcealable tiredness between the man's brows. His eyelids were slightly closed, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Chi snorted deeply, smiled with the corners of his lips hooked, and then curled up a little... hooked up...

That's about it!

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮


Chi Shenshen dug another spoonful of full-grained beef cubes into his mouth, and then remembered that he had just asked her if she had eaten, and said while chewing,

"I'm having lunch right now. It's the steak rice I bought from a nearby chain supermarket. The taste is not bad, but it's not as good as the ham and egg fried rice you made for me... Oh, yes!"

Chi Shenshen thought of what he had interrupted just now when he mistakenly thought he had a cold and cough, so he grinned his white teeth all of a sudden, and deliberately smiled in a low tone,

"Erbai, the neighbor of my rented house is a handsome senior from the imperial capital, and he is also in the same major as me.

He looks fair and clean, good-looking and long-legged. Just now he invited me to have a big meal with great enthusiasm. The most important thing is that his name is Boran, let me call him 'Abo', I feel I have the same name as you... I have the same name..."

Chi Shenshen bit the spoon again and sipped it in his mouth, narrowed his bright eyes, and waited with great interest for Xuan Ershao on the other end of the phone to respond.

 The fourth update is over~ By the way, Erbai is going to be jealous...

  The big rabbit is rolling around and begging for a monthly pass!Recommended tickets!Thank you for your rewards, babies~

  Good night, Chirp, Chirp~



(End of this chapter)

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