I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1603 He is waiting for her, and she is waiting for him too

Chapter 1603 He is waiting for her, and she is waiting for him too

"I miss you too, especially you."

She hasn't entered the state of studying alone so quickly, and even said that she has been in a daze for the past few days when she came to New York.


After reporting to Columbia University that day, she stayed at home and slept all day. She didn't eat anything, didn't want to eat at all, and didn't even drink a sip of water. Until this morning, just half an hour ago, she was really sick. Woke up from hunger, I simply brushed my teeth and washed my face, tied up my hair and went out to buy fast food for lunch.

When she is alone, she can't help but miss her family in city A, the warm days spent together day and night; miss the lively time when the two girlfriends bickered with each other; moreover, her erbai...

The man who was willing to wait for her silently.

Her Erbai...

The him who honestly waited for her call every day, the him who gave her an agate bracelet and said he wanted to guard her, the him who told her that no matter what happened, he would be there for him, the him who wholeheartedly wanted her to be his wife...

He even regarded her as the most precious gift in his life.

That silly him.

Those sweet and intimate scenes when the two were dating together, like movie shots, came to mind frame by frame.

No one is born to like to be lonely. Before she met Xuan Shengbei, she always thought that she was a cool and awesome girl. She would not shed tears for anyone easily. If she was in love, she would not want to lose in love. To whom, however, all of this was broken after meeting him.

She misses him, really misses...


"Erbai..." Chi Shenshen called him softly again, his low voice was like a little girl who had been wronged a lot, with so many complaints she wanted to tell.

She was not like this before, and the exclusive privilege of "acting like a baby" has nothing to do with her at all.

On the phone, there was another even and slight breathing sound.

There was still a sparkle of water in Chi Shenshen's eyes, he was startled suddenly, and couldn't help grinning again.

Oh I'm going!

Dare to say that this guy fell asleep talking nonsense. o(╯□╰)o

Missing her so much, why not be so touching, it took so long to drop a golden bean!Come on, I know that this fool never plays cards according to the normal routine, she is used to it!

Chi took another deep breath, raised the back of his hand, and wiped away the tear stain that fell from the corner of his eye just now with great effort.

Looking out of the glass window, the mid-day sun was warm, and there was a beauty in her bright eyebrows and eyes.


Silence, for a long time.

Suddenly, a waxy and soft voice sounded in the quiet air, gently and softly,

"Erbai, you are fine, and I am fine too. Good night."

Although it's really hypocritical, didn't everyone say that this parting is for a better meeting next time? He is waiting for her, and she is also waiting for him.

Guard each other and trust each other.

in the bedroom.

The wall lamp exudes a warm orange light, faintly illuminating the head of the bed.

Xuan Shengbei had already fallen asleep, and the patch of indigo under the eyelids was very clear, but the consciousness in his head was not completely asleep, and he was drowsy, and he could still hear Shen Shen chatting with him on the phone.

But what was specifically said was extremely vague, "buzzing", probably heard "handsome senior", "Abo", "take good care of junior"...

It's up to you!

Deeply belongs to his family!His wife!

 It was too late to go back to the hotel at [-] o'clock in the morning, so, just... I couldn't hold back and fell asleep, and I made up for it during the day~ Little rabbits are so big



(End of this chapter)

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