I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1619 Deep, you have to be responsible to me for the rest of your life!

Chapter 1619 Deep, you have to be responsible to me for the rest of your life!

...with a rather dissatisfied laziness.

It sounds so damn bewitching.

Suddenly, Chi Shenshen's ear twitched, and he seemed to have lost his soul again.

【No, I didn't run...】

She responded indistinctly, and lightly slapped her eyes, and the shattered sunlight shone at the corners of her eyes.

Waiting for Chi to shake his head deeply, he realized that he was in a very obedient and motionless state at the moment...

She bared her teeth and cursed silently.


A nympho facial control can't afford to be hurt, and a voice-controlled girl can't afford to be hurt even more!Especially she was accusing her own beautiful boy, the female rascal/hooligan was easily captured by Gua Erbai!


When Chi Shenshen raised his eyes, Xuan Shengbei looked at her even more unscrupulously, and his deep dark eyes narrowed slightly.

Three points handsome, seven points charming.

It caused Chi Shenshen to pinch his heart, and when his head was full of stars and bubbles, a certain man's sudden words completely shattered the... pink atmosphere...

Xuan Er Shao is full of spirit,

"Shen Shen, I am yours now, and you will be responsible to me for the rest of your life!"

As he said that, he approached her very childishly, and his whole body was tightly pressed against her body.

Chi Shenshen said, "..." He choked on his throat, like a big goose egg stuck in his throat, the kind that is not yet cool in his hand.

Be nice!

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't this "classic line" be said by every girl in turn? Why did they switch roles when it happened to them? !

A domineering president and a cruel young master, hugged her with a cute face and told her to be responsible!

This neurite stimulates...

Obviously she was the one who was bullied, bullied, and humiliated last night, and it made her cry...

In terms of physical strength, she can't compete with a [-]-year-old man at all...

Thinking of the unsuitable picture again in my head, my cheeks turned hot...

So, now he has a coquettish and pitiful face of "I was extraordinarily ravaged and ravaged last night", what is it...why?



As soon as Chi Shenshen moved, his whole body became sore and limp, and he couldn't help but give him a blank stare from the Globe, which crossed the Pacific Ocean.

Suddenly, Xuan Shengbei frowned, and the palms holding her waist tightened even more, but it was the gentleness that she could clearly feel,

"Deep, does it still hurt?"

Chi Shenshen's heart softened suddenly, and she sank softly, crashing into his dark eyes, completely occupied by her own face.

Suddenly, I understood.

He was afraid that she would sneak away from her again.

Chi smiled deeply again, his mouth full of white teeth,

"You two melon seeds, can you not hurt?!"

As he said, he slapped him again, on his shoulder crisply, and pinched him very hard.


Hearing this, Xuan Shengbei's furrowed eyebrows were carved with deeper lines, and he pulled his arms to get under the quilt, saying,

"Let me see."

Chi Shenshen panicked all over, almost thinking that he heard it wrong, and quickly stretched his hands and feet to hug this cute thing in a slippery way, and yelled dumbfoundingly,

"Go away, you, you are not allowed to move..."

Also look at...

The blue sky and white sun are bright and bright, so why don't you let her calm down!

Xuan Shengbei is serious,

"You hurt."

"...It will be fine after a while..."

"I'll rub the medicine on you."

"...No need!" The girl said weakly, her eyes were reddened.

(End of this chapter)

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