I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1625 If there were 3 little meows, Su Yan would probably cry on the spot!

Chapter 1625 If there were three little meows, Su Yan would probably cry on the spot!

"...Tsao Jiao Miao was so nervous that she carried Nuo Xiaonuo back to her room to rest before nine o'clock."

Now that Ji Yinuo has been pregnant for almost two months and has been living at home, Xuan Fei, Mo Nuannuan and the others flew to Italy within a few days after meeting their wedding.

Su Yan waited on him with food and drink from morning to night, and he was just like Ji Yicheng when the little cutie was pregnant, and it was even worse than that. Uncle is here to ask for advice.


There was even one time when even Ji Sanshao couldn't stand it anymore, and stuck to his precious egg like a dog/skin plaster all day long, and he didn't have time to connect with his daughter and grandchildren!



Ji Sanshao immediately gouged out his eyes in disgust, and if it wasn't for Ai Qianqian who was still beside him, he would have kicked him over, swearing and cursing,

"Stupid meow, don't you T/M know that you still have to go out to make money to support your family?!"

It happened to be dinner that day, Jing Qingge and Ji Yicheng were also at home, and the whole family gathered in the living room to watch the dog blood and cry at eight o'clock.

Hearing Ji Sanshao's words, the whole family looked at him in unison with a look of looking crazy and alien.

Ji Sanshao still didn't know it at all, and continued to despise him,

"Wife and children don't need to raise, and milk powder doesn't need money!"

"Ji Moji," Ai Qianqian patted Ji Sanshao on the shoulder, smiled softly, and said in a very light tone, "At the Paris International Art Exhibition the day before yesterday, a painting by your son-in-law was auctioned off by the French royal family at a price of 5000 million."

Ji Sanshao said, "..." The salted duck egg choked on his throat.

Depend on**!

He doesn't know about why/mao!


The little ones tried their best to hold back their laughter.

Although Su Yan is no longer the captain of the International Anti-Terrorist Special Forces, don't forget that he still has an identity, a talented Italian painter, and his paintings are already the hottest in the world's art circles.

"Nuo Xiaonuo said it at dinner the night before yesterday, but you didn't pay attention to it." Ai Qianqian added softly.

Ji Yinuo was turning his head into a garlic masher, with a strong subtext,

【exactly!Daddy, you have wronged meow! 】

Su Yan lowered his head beside him and silently helped Ji Yinuo peel the kiwi, with a sincere and aggrieved expression.

Ji Sanshao twitched the corner of his mouth unnaturally, picked up a big apple and smashed it with precision,

"Stupid meow, eat it yourself!"

The whole family expressed... despise... a certain father-in-law. →_→


Hearing what Jing Qingge said, the people in the group video exploded again.

"It means that tomorrow we will know that Nuo Xiaonuo is pregnant with a boy and a girl?!" Owen shouted in fluent Chinese.

"I rely on ****! Don't be a pair of twins, I will really be irritated." Li Xize crossed himself on his chest.

"Then what if there are three children in one child?" Situ Yan broke the stage.

A group of people stared in silence for a second.

Situ Yan narrowed his eyes gloomyly again and said in a playful tone,

"Here are three little meows, I guess Su Yan will hold his chest and cry on the spot!"

Everyone imagined that scene together, and felt... infinite joy, hahaha.

Xuan Shengbei interrupted with a sudden voice, and raised his sword eyebrows, "I think such a small probability event can only be hit by uncles and aunts."

All the children flashed their heads together again, thinking of the domineering couple back then, Godfather Xuan Chenhao and Queen Ji Tianmo had three children at one birth, Ye Da, Yu Er, Fei Xiao San...

Collective worship.

Indeed, the domineering couple is the strongest in history!

(End of this chapter)

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