I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1640 Ten Thousand Years Fairy, Is Love Really Coming? 2

Chapter 1640 Wannian Fairy's Love Is Real This Time? 2

"Ouch, I'm really touched by the way you congratulate me!"

Xuan Yu slammed his fist and came over, everyone shouted together,


Xuanfei, "..." His mouth shriveled in grievance, fuck~ fuck my leg, what did I do wrong!

Because of ** Mao, he was attacked by a group again!

woo woo woo... ┭┮﹏┭┮


"Brother, it's just you, who found true love? I think it's better to sing "Borrowing 500 Years from the Heaven"!" Xuan Zhihuang squinted with bewitching eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"It's absolutely impossible." Ji Liancheng replied coldly.

Ji Yinuo was held in Su Yan's arms, and he took the knife more coolly and continued, "Do you know how the word 'true love' is written?"

Xuan Fei was so excited that he almost beat the cushion, crying with trembling corners of his mouth,

"Why don't I be allowed to repent in a romantic way and cut off all my peach blossoms? The prodigal son will not change his money when he returns. Haven't you heard of 'the most affectionate dandy since ancient times'?"

The collective nods tacitly,

"Well, I haven't heard of it."

Xiao Feifei, "..." was so heartbroken that he burst into tears, "Mom! Is this still a relative? Is there such a relative who stabs his heart so fiercely!"

"Of course it is." Xuan Yu hooked his fingers and said, "You said it yourself, the household registration book is the proof, and the blood relationship cannot be erased!"

Xuan Fei burst into tears, this day is really unbearable, but it is not popular to run away from home now!

"I'm going to find my Honey!"

A car of people looked at their noses, their noses looked at their hearts, their eyelids were half-closed, and one by one their expressions became secretive and profound, and they all snorted again.

There is a special...disgust.


Xuan Yu made a phone call to Xuan Ye. As a younger brother, he felt sorry for his elder brother and asked him to come to Rome for a vacation to relax.

Boss Ye said coldly on the phone,

"No time."

Immediately, Yu's second son, who was eager to seek glory and betray the country, was beaten to pieces, and then he glared fiercely at the one next to him.

Xiao Feifei looked at the sky silently, flicking the corners of his eyes wet with saliva speechlessly.

What did he do wrong!



Then on the way back to Rose Castle, everyone continued to gossip and ignored the goblin, letting him squat in the corner of the car and grow mushrooms on his two index fingers.

Mo Nuannuan gently touched Ji Yinuo's stomach, feeling leisurely,

"You and Su Damiao's microblogs show affection all day long, almost catching up with brother Cheng's posting speed, don't you think everyone doesn't have enough dog food!"

Ji Yinuo smiled, raised her eyebrows evilly,

"Anyway, you don't need to eat."

Hearing this, the corners of Mo Nuannuan's upturned mouth collapsed, and he drooped his head heavily, "I haven't seen Marshal Leng for a long time..."

"Why, it's been almost four months, and the Interpol hasn't completed the mission yet?" Xuan Yu looked over with a playful tone.

"Yeah." Mo Nuannuan flattened his mouth directly, and nodded while holding his chin, "I don't know when I'll be back."

"Never contacted you once?" Ji Yinuo asked.

"No audio at all."

The group cast a sympathetic look at Xiao Nuannuan, Xuan Zhihuang's eyes were enchanting, "At least the FBI is in charge."

Mo Nuannuan continued to pout her lips, muttered something, and couldn't help but smile with the corners of her eyes raised, a handsome and beautiful silhouette appeared in her head, and occasionally she would inadvertently draw her eyebrows together.


Ji Yinuo looked over,

"Hey, little Huanghuang, let alone being cold and handsome, what about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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