I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1647 She is the little queen of the domineering couple! 1

Chapter 1647 She is the little queen of the domineering couple! 1

He saw handsome Leng with two little pink flowers floating on his pretty face.


What's going on, Marshal Leng is... shy?

But she didn't seem to be doing anything just now? ╭(╯^╰)╮


When Mo Nuannuan returned to the casino, he wandered around the venue again, and then ran to the roulette table to play.

Opposite him sat a bearded foreign man, his dark green eyes were narrowed, and there was a fierce light shining through them.

Mo Nuannuan held the tip of his chin with one hand, and raised his eyebrows calmly. This person is the boss of the Russian gangster. Why did you trust Khonov?

Well, compared with the two bosses of their family, their looks are too ordinary, so they are considered passing grades. I am used to seeing bewitching and beautiful men. It’s not that the beauty of the prosperous age is really unattractive, but this man is very rich when he gambles. That's 1000 million chips.

As expected of the boss of the gangster.

A certain Marshal Leng, who was disguised as a waiter in a casino, has been watching secretly from a place not far away. When he walked to the column carved with reliefs, his reddish thin lips parted coldly, and he spoke in a deeper tone. Order,

"Everyone, stand by."

"Received." There was a uniform response from the invisible headset.


The casino has three basement floors.

Before entering this underground casino, Xuan Zhihuang had already interfered with all the monitors on this floor.

He turned sideways again and quickly entered the secret room.

The secret door behind him closed tightly again, and for a moment, the overwhelming darkness surged in, making it even more gloomy and cold.

An aisle that can accommodate five people side by side extends straight forward, about 20 meters long.

Through the iris of the most sophisticated see-through instrument worn in the pupils, Xuan Zhihuang unexpectedly did not detect infrared rays.

Then he lowered his head slightly, his eyes fell on the floor under his feet, and he noticed something strange.

It can be seen from the perspective instrument that the color of the floor is divided into black and white, one grid and one grid, but not one white and one black intertwined with each other. Some have two black floors and one white floor, and some have three white floors connected. Two black floors.

It looks more like a haphazard, haphazard building.

Suddenly, Xuanzhihuang's bewitching phoenix eyes narrowed slowly, and her poppy red lips hooked lightly like a smile but not a smile, exuding a domineering queen.

It turned out to be backgammon.

It seems that the owner of this jewelry auction tonight is also a fan of Chinese chess, so making things difficult.

But who is she?

After her own queen mother, the number one female killer of the mafia, black and white, everyone fears, is it so difficult to get her?


Xuan Zhihuang suddenly narrowed his eyebrows, smiled coldly, and moved his feet, before he even had time to see the moving steps clearly.

I only saw a phantom flashing in front of my eyes, like the peach blossoms in Gubuli not touching my body, it was really weird.

In the blink of an eye, Xuan Zhihuang had passed through this 20-meter long road.

last step.

She turned on her toes and spun sideways.

The long, tied-up hair drew a sharp and domineering arc, as if it wanted to cut through the gloomy and dead air.

He has already firmly stepped on the black floor at the top right, and his movements in one go reveal infinite elegance, like the most sexy and enchanting cheetah, even a man may not be able to match it.

Another secret door.

9-digit encrypted combination lock.

In 2 minutes, Xuan Zhihuang easily unlocked it, smiled, and whistled very gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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