I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1680 Wait for me

Chapter 1680 Wait for me to come back

He's not worried about her alone!

Xuan Zhihuang kept laughing, decisively ignoring the cold and depressed mood of a certain man, and continued to ask,

"How long will it be?"

"One day, come back tomorrow night."

"I heard that there are so many beauties in Dancing Entertainment City, the largest night show in Munich, all of them are blond, blue-eyed, sexy and hot, and my brother doesn't want to be unrestrained." σ食鞯枯愉气??br />

Immediately, Ye Li's face was so dark that it was not just the color of the pot, it was like the eighth-level cold wind was blowing, and the veins on his head jumped a few times.

With a retraction of his slender fingers, he directly clasped her waist tightly, and clamped it in violently.

"What nonsense?" The originally unhappy tone was even more annoyed, and it sounded extremely hoarse.

Xuan Zhihuang hurriedly clapped his hands vigorously,

"Hey, you will really break my waist if you pinch my waist again... You are responsible!"

"No problem." Ye Li paused every word.

"How to be responsible?"

"That's it." Ye Li lowered her chin, grabbed her gorgeous red lips without hesitation, sucked her lips fiercely, and tossed and turned.


Xuan Zhihuang silently covered her face in her heart.

I'll go to Emma, ​​why don't you talk when you disagree!She is even more action-oriented than her!

There is tenderness between the lips and teeth.

Tightly wound, domineering, and greedy.

Looting every inch of sweetness.


Xuan Zhihuang smiled, biting his thin lips presumptuously, hot breath lingered under the tip of his nose,

"However, no one is as good as me."

Ye Li was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what she meant. Even though Munich Entertainment City is the hottest beauty in the world, compared with her, it is nothing like mud.

"Yeah." The throat rolled up and down.

No one can match her.

And by a strange coincidence, Ye Li unwrapped the white gauze that he had wrapped just now with one hand.

He likes to see the way she smiles, even with her eyes closed, she is so flamboyant, enchanting, and proud...

Just a raised eyebrow and a smile is enough to be thrilling and glamorous.

He squinted his eyes halfway, deeply imprinting every move of the little woman in front of him in his mind, even remembering the long hair that fell down from the corner of her forehead.

Like a blood poppy blooming proudly in the dark world, it is indescribably bewitching.

This record has been remembered for so many years.


At eight o'clock that night, Ye Li drove away from his suburban villa in Berlin.

Before leaving, Xuan Zhihuang especially Xiaojiabiyu put on a ceremony to send off the elder brother, Ye Li couldn't help but twitched his eyes when he saw it.

"Don't show off, you still have two gunshot wounds."

Xuan Zhihuang covered his face and wiped the corners of his eyes even more hypocritically,

"It's not that I hate my brother."

Knowing that she was faking, Ye Li suddenly lost his mind for a long time.

There seemed to be a feeling of being pinched by something at the apex of the heart. For a moment, it was so soft that it was a mess, and a wave of reluctance spread even more fragmentarily.

the first time.

It took a long time to slow down...

Ye Li clasped her hands together again, hugged her tightly in his arms, and the sound of the heartbeat in the whole chest was transmitted.

"wait me back."

Warm breath fell from the top of his head.

It landed directly on Xuan Zhihuang's eyelashes, and was held up, causing a thin itch, which then rushed to the bottom of my heart.

Even Xuan Zhihuang didn't expect that one day, she would be willing to wait for someone. She has always been a free cloud, floating wherever she wants.


(End of this chapter)

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