I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1683 Hey, you are not as gentle as before!

Chapter 1683 Hey, you are not as gentle as before!

That day, the first snow fell in Berlin.

The whole night, the snowflakes flying all over the sky covered the ground with a thick layer, which was white and flawless, and there was no sound.

For so many years, quietly...


For a moment, outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the romantic night light that only belongs to this Sicilian city penetrates through the transparent glass, from the low table to the bar, and then on the goblet made of glazed crystal, all diffused.

Covering the circle of dark orange lights on the ceiling, it seems that the air has been rendered extra soft.

He and she stared at each other burningly...breathing together...the bursts of hot overflowing broken feelings on the apex of the heart...

It was all magnified in this quiet atmosphere, even the slight movement of the eyelashes could be seen clearly, and the tenderness from the corners of the eyes could be seen.

I always feel that there is an indescribable feeling/humanity/tune.


Ye Li lowered his jaw, and the straight bridge of his nose touched the tip of her nose. His pair of deep-socketed lacquer eyes seemed to gather the deepest night, focusing on her for an instant.

Those eyes are just like before, even though the facial features are all blurred, you can still see the two clusters of compelling light at the bottom of the eyes.

As if, with a glance, I could see into the bottom of her heart.

【Five years...】

It turned out that her "first love" she met in Berlin five years ago was actually... Ye Li.

"Nothing to say?" The man's low and alluring voice suddenly fell into the air beside his ears.

Xuan Zhihuang's heart shook even more violently, and a series of rich and varied expressions appeared on her alluring cheeks.

He tried his best to take a deep breath and pant slowly, and finally held the beating heart of "咚咚钟" and burst into a sharp/rough sentence,

"Grandma~milk~a~leg, this reunion plot is simply better than all the bloody Marys, Lisu at eight o'clock!"

"..." Ye Liming was still aggrieved, but when she heard her throat tearing tone, she laughed all of a sudden, even out loud, and then nodded her chin very kindly,



Xuan Zhihuang continued to support her forehead, even though her strong and fierce heart was frightened by [-] tons, she continued with a suspicious tone,

"Then what, are you sure, it's really you?"

Immediately, the corners of Ye Li's mouth that hadn't been laughing for five seconds collapsed again, and the big hand that was holding her slim waist was squeezed even harder.

Xuan Zhihuang twitched his brows in pain, turned around and clamped his arms, and pinched him mercilessly,

"Hey, you are not as gentle as before!"

Ye Li, "..."

It wasn't until later that he suddenly realized that it was at that time that he only gave her the tenderness that he rarely had in his life, and he didn't even know her name.

Ye Li loosened his five fingers, and the strength in his palm was relieved.

Xuan Zhihuang raised his eyebrows, continued to pinch his hand, smiled Yaolian, and said in an extremely casual tone,

"I've been waiting for you in the villa for a month."


She was 17 years old at the time. To be honest, she never believed in sensational chicken soup like "the boy she liked at the age of 17 is the most unforgettable", but she really regarded him as her first love, a person she really liked.

The night he left Berlin, he said he would come back from Munich the next night and asked her to wait for him, and she really did.

One month.

She lived alone in a suburban villa for a month.

(End of this chapter)

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