I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1687 I regret it, Phoenix

Chapter 1687 I regret it, Phoenix

"You nonsense! I am very vengeful!"

Xuan Zhihuang grabbed Ye Li's chest fiercely with one paw, immediately leaving five bright and bright nail marks, and even a tiny trace of blood red overflowed.

And she also has a more righteous and domineering face of "what happened five years ago, you deserve it".


Ye Li didn't seem to feel any pain at all, so he directly pulled her hand down, covered her hot palm, and held her beautiful bone wrist.

"Then take revenge now?" The smile on the corner of his mouth became even stronger, and the light in his eyes fluctuated deeply and shallowly.

"Definitely not!" Xuan Zhihuang curled his lips, "After all, my mind is smaller than the eye of a needle."

"So what should we do, huh?" A slight sound at the end, revealing a very domineering pampering, very full.

Xuan Zhihuang laughed again, the enchanting/voluptuous color between her eyebrows and eyes was even more dazzling, just a cluster of deep orange lights fell on her red lips, glowing with a layer of moist water, which is indescribable. lure,

"It's a question worth thinking about, and I'll have to think about it."

"Yeah." Ye Li replied without hesitation, a gentle and ridiculous smile was still wrapped around her delicate lips, and there was also a bit of a particularly seductive charm.


There was another half minute of silence.

As soon as Ye Li opened his mouth, his tone dropped obviously.

"I regret."

She closed her eyelids, her shining eyes were completely occupied by her appearance, her hoarse voice was like the strings of a cello, and she continued,

"If I wasn't so proud at the beginning five years ago, I just told you my name, and then you told me who you are, and later, I wouldn't have no news about you, wouldn't be unable to find you, no Will be separated from you for so long."

While speaking, the palm he held on her bony wrist slowly moved down, directly covering her palm again, separated five particularly slender fingers, and entwined them one by one.

Until the end, clasping fingers with her.

Rubbing the back of her hand again,

"I regret it, Phoenix..."

When the words came to an end, the low and hoarse voice was suddenly three points soft, just right, it penetrated into the last "Phoenix".


He called her that.

It was obviously the first time, but one yelled so naturally, the other listened so pleasantly, and then there were some special, special and hypocritical Mary Sue emotions rippling between the chests that were close to each other.

In the depths of his unfading memory, she is like a phoenix that has risen to nirvana, exuding her innate astonishing beauty all over her body.


For a moment, Xuan Zhihuang couldn't help the tip of her nose sore again, but this time she didn't take a deep breath.

I can't help it, I can't stand it anymore!

This tsundere high-altitude flower is becoming more and more capable of flirting with girls!It caused her sturdy little heart to "thump, thump, thump" and keep beating.

I seem to be a little moved... I want to cry... ┭┮﹏┭┮

Cover your face!

Xuan Zhihuang tugged at the corners of his eyes, snapped hard, and bit his beautiful neck with a grin, as if to vent something.

"I've figured out how to avenge you! One time solution!" The conversation changed, and the tone was as domineering as possible.

Ye Li didn't react for a while, and then nodded, but... solve it once?


"Kiss me once, be gentle, don't give me a wolf!" Xuan Zhihuang's own eyes fluttered and he coughed.

(End of this chapter)

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