I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1692 Little Huanghuang was Sold by Brother Fei 1

Chapter 1692 Little Huanghuang was Sold by Brother Fei 1

With a frown of sword eyebrows, a wrinkle was carved between the brows, an obvious subtext,

[Are you still answering the phone at this time? 】

The scorching heat was transmitted from the tightly pressed chest, and a bead of sweat was clearly visible on the corner of his forehead.

He drew his hands together abruptly.


Immediately, I felt a sudden pain in my waist, and that burst of numbness became more vivid and intense.

Xuan Zhihuang's dimples were even more flushed, like peach blossoms in March, lively and seductive, with her lips parted in a coquettish smile,

"My cell phone number is only known to my family."

That means, it must be someone at home who is calling at this moment.

[Why, do you still want to pick it up? 】

Ye Li's frowning brows not only did not relax, but even tightened, and he stared at her with complicated expressions for half a minute...

At last.

The big hand that was holding her stretched out, grabbed the buzzing cell phone on the coffee table, and handed it to her.

And very accidentally saw the number caller ID note on the screen,



Ye Li raised his eyebrows. He had seen that enchanting man who was more beautiful than a woman when he was at Qingcheng's wedding.

It's really called a style with thousands of styles and styles.

He didn't even realize it, he let out a sigh of relief just now, thought of something, and coughed. 0V0...

Family members, of course, also include...

Phoenix is ​​his father.

cough cough.



As soon as Xuan Zhihuang answered the phone and put it close to his ear, he heard Xuan Fei's long and joyful voice on the phone at the eighteenth turn of the mountain road,

"My dear sister, it took you so long to answer the phone, do you know that little third brother waited for you until the flowers all thanked and the sky was dark~~~~"

"Little brother, it's afternoon in Mexico, but it's almost twelve o'clock in the night in Palermo, I don't want to sleep." Xuan Zhihuang raised his eyebrows, and looked out of the French window in the blink of an eye.

It is said that the night in Sicily is the most romantic, and there are even legends about Sicily, the stars are shining, the sea is turbulent, and the night wind in the distance blows in, and the opened floor-to-ceiling curtains are gently rippling.

The man on the body was still leaning his elbows on the sofa cushion beside her ears, and his dark eyes were deep and burning, hooking her.

Those eyes, lazy and seductive, are full of mystery.

Seeing that, Xuan Zhihuang's tone became more bewitching when he spoke, overflowing from the corners of his lips.


Xuan Fei's ears exploded when he heard it, and he was instantly excited. He knew that he couldn't see it on the phone, but his head was more diligent than a chicken pecking rice.

"So, it's time for my younger sister to take a beauty sleep, but it sounds like she is contented to be loved by her mother, Xiao Huanghuang, could it be that there is a wild, man, person hidden on the bed in your room, who is being loved by you?" Press / on / body / under it!”

At the end, Xuan Fei smiled so treacherously and wickedly that he shrugged his shoulders tremblingly across the screen.

Xuan Zhihuang was stunned for a moment, then blinked her big, purely black eyes, and suddenly smiled bewitchingly,

"Tsk tsk, little third brother has a good brain. There is indeed a man in my room, but he is not on the bed." The one that pressed/yeah."


Hearing this, Ye Li's furrowed eyebrows relaxed slightly, and a thin light faintly flashed in the dark red lacquered eyes.

He probably knows the way of getting along with this big family. The evil and evil dialogue mode of a group of brothers and sisters is definitely practiced since childhood.


(End of this chapter)

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