I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1789 Tang Haotian: I'm done... 2

Chapter 1789 Tang Haotian: I'm done... 2

The strong smell of alcohol that hit their faces immediately made the two young and old frown.

Walking in from the light of the corridor outside, I got used to the dimness in the private room a little.

When they saw clearly the "post-disaster scene" in the private room that was so messy that they couldn't bear to look directly at it, both Ji Yicheng and Shangguanyu were stunned for a moment, and then raised their eyebrows even more surprised.

This damage index... is definitely twice as high as the last time the little tyrant king smashed all the front teeth...

It is simply the eruption of the flaming mountain!

The two men looked at the man who was drinking too much wine together.

The light was dim, and Tang Haotian sank deeply into the sofa, shrouded in the dark shadow. He couldn't see the outline of his face at all, but he could only see the red eyes, flickering and flickering.

He exuded a terrible air-conditioning like hell, as if he was isolated from this world, and no one could enter.


Ji Yicheng and Shangguanyu's complexions darkened, and they looked at each other quietly, making eye contact,

"It seems that Tang Haotian's stimulation has soared to a record high today."


They thought Tang Haotian lost his temper because he couldn't find Shuifu.

Ji Yicheng kicked away an empty red wine bottle at his feet, stepped on the carpet, sat down on the sofa on the left, poured a glass of red wine for himself and Shangguan, and joked,

"I said Young Master Tang, you don't need money for these glass cups when you are an old man, you are so rich and powerful.

Well, count it as one hundred thousand, and directly credit it to your account. "

Shangguanyu took the goblet, and played along with the corners of his lips,

"One hundred thousand, is it a little less?"

"A lot, the price of brotherly friendship."

"I'm touched." Shangguanyu stretched out his arms and clinked glasses with Tang Haotian, "Hey, seeing you two married brothers speeding and racing here in the middle of the night to be your bosom brothers and leaving your wife and children at home, why don't you hurry up Spit out the bitterness, don't be bored."

"That's right, Qing Bao'er and I have contributed to you all night in Chun Xiao, let me tell you what's going on with you."


The two big men sang and played together for a long time, but they failed to get the slightest attention from others. Tang Haotian didn't even raise his head to look at them, as if he didn't see them at all.

Ji Yicheng, "..."

Shangguanyu, "..."

It's really a transparent person. →_→

Tang Haotian lowered his eyes, the shattered hair on his forehead covered his decadent face, his out-of-focus black eyes turned occasionally, and then raised his head again.

A bottle of wine has bottomed out again.

Ji Yicheng couldn't help but frowned, and kicked over directly,

"It's useless for you to vent your anger with a wine bottle here. If you don't find it, keep looking. Send out all the people from Yingmen. If half a year is not enough, one year is not enough. One year is not enough for the whole life. It is impossible in the world evaporated.

As long as you have the heart, you can definitely get people back. "

All of a sudden, Tang Haotian's fingers pinching the bottle froze violently, his fingertips trembled faintly, and the corners of his mouth dripping with wine lifted up bit by bit.

The appearance of a half-smile is very strange.


Seeing that the two big men were a little creepy, their brows twitched, oh my god, what happened to the little tyrant.

It's not quite right.

"I'll give Xi Weiran a call and ask." Ji Yicheng was already dialing the number, and it took a while before he answered.

When he heard what Xi Shao said on the phone, Ji Yicheng's face was shocked, and he repeated,

"Is Shui Fu married?"

"打"斺€装虚户田针抸呱是は欤Gu water play, break the hammer and flash the paddle. The umbilicus panics and the locust feeds, and prays?br />
"I am done……"

 PS: Little Tyrant, the little rabbits are calling you, getting drunk is useless!

  Good night, today is April Fool's Day, a good day to confess, Salang (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)~



(End of this chapter)

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