I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1793 During the operation, rescue

Chapter 1793 During the operation, rescue

"Where's Haotian?" Lin Xiaoru's face was extremely ugly.

"Just sent in for emergency treatment." Ji Yicheng and Shangguanyu looked at the three bright red letters on the door frame of the operating room together:

【in surgery】.


"Why did you drink so much?" Lin Xiaoru asked again. On the way to the hospital, she had already heard Cheng Xiaocheng talk about the general situation of the car accident on the phone.

The bastard was drunk, snatched the car and drove away. When he was carried into the ambulance, he was already unconscious, his right leg was injured, and his forehead was still bleeding, but it is unclear how serious the injury was.

No wonder her eyelids kept twitching when she was having dinner at night, unexpectedly something bad happened.

But as a mother, she also understands her son, and she is completely as virtuous as his father. She can't mix well, but no matter how messed up, she won't become a crazy, drunkard and psychopath!

[Tang Haotian, who is being rescued in the operating room: ... Is your mother? 】

So what she just asked was "Why did you drink so much wine" instead of "Why did you have a car accident", and she didn't mean to blame Ji Yicheng and Shangguanyu at all.


But the two young masters felt a little guilty and couldn't stop Tang Haotian.

Ji Yicheng's eyelids were slightly closed, and Shangguanyu pulled the corner of his mouth.

Originally, they wanted to hide it for the little tyrant king. After all, all of them, the gang of sons and sisters, were all bitch sons who were disliked by their parents, especially the little tyrant king. Although they were all tortured and beaten by their own father since childhood, Tang Haotian The number of times he was beaten by his domestic violence father is definitely twice as much as theirs, so they have united the front since they were wearing crotch-opening pants...to be united and friendly...

But now that there is such a big car accident, no matter what, it can't be kept secret.

Ji Yicheng coughed again, glanced at Shangguanyu, and roughly explained the cause and effect.

It started when Tang Haotian went to F City, knowing that his ex-girlfriend was married to someone else, he was heartbroken and got drunk at a bar, and in the end he snatched a car and crashed into a pillar. As for what happened before Xiao Bao Wang and Shui Fu, they were not very clear. So I didn't say anything.


"Haotian and Shuifu are in a relationship?" Lin Xiaoru looked surprised, she didn't know when her son had a girlfriend, and she was trying to introduce a girlfriend to Haotian before.

"Well, but it's already broken up." Ji Yicheng said, ex-girlfriend, ex-girlfriend.

Lin Xiaoru frowned, and asked Shangguanyu,

"Shui Fu...is that the girl who played the leading role in "The Princess of the Prosperous Age" with your wife?"

"En." Shangguanyu nodded, originally wanted to introduce Xia Shuifu to Aunt Lin, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, because he didn't need to introduce him.

Who is Lin Xiaoru? The gold medal agent in the entertainment industry back then was even more popular than those traffic stars. Almost all the artists who came out of her hands became first-line celebrities. Ji Yicheng's mother Ai Qianqian was one, and she was the most famous typical.

Although Lin Xiaoru is no longer an artist manager, she is still active in the industry and her status is still respected by everyone.

"Water Fu..." Lin Xiaoru repeated in her mouth again, and suddenly remembered an incident long ago, more than half a year ago, she stopped by the company to deliver meals to her son, and happened to bump into it while taking the elevator.

At that time, both Haotian and Shuifu were in the president's exclusive elevator, she was still a little strange, but the two had no interaction at all, just like the relationship between the boss and the employees, she didn't care too much.

On that day, she taught her son in the elevator like a mother-in-law to find a girlfriend quickly, or go on a blind date!

By the way, why did that bastard hate her at that time?

 « €?br />
  Little Tyrant: The car accident is all about the chewed old stalk leaves. Mommy, if you dare to make me lose my memory, I will... run away from home!

  Rabbit mother: Oh, am I such a vulgar person!



(End of this chapter)

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