I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1795 The little tyrant king was completely out

Chapter 1795 The little tyrant king was completely out

...Squinting the corners of her eyes, does her husband know something?

How do you feel about saying this...


Tang Yu noticed Lin Xiaoru's searching and deep eyes, and then stabbed his son hard,

"Fuck off, I didn't wrong him!"

"Well, it's not because he inherited it from his father." Lin Xiaoru nodded obediently, and then said lightly, "It seems that you didn't do too many things to be sorry for me when you were young."

Immediately, a certain man's handsome face was like a balloon that was blown round and round, "bang" all of a sudden, there was no room for a little struggle... deflated... deflated...

Tang Yu's face was embarrassing and Spartan, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he stretched out his hand to wrap around Lin Xiaoru's back shoulders, grinning with a particularly flattering expression,

"Aren't you talking about Tang Haotian? Why are you talking about me again? Besides, isn't that all the old Huangli calendar? Xiao Ruru, what are you looking for?"

"Why, you are talking about the men of your Tang family. Do you think that even if you are old and old, you will not have such a thing in the past, and you are not allowed to take it out to bask in the sun?" Lin Xiaoru rolled her eyes and laughed ass. .


"No, no." Tang Yu, as a member of the "Loyal Dog Husband Group" of the previous generation, also deeply understands the truth that "ladies are all biological populations who settle accounts after autumn", and immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"I'm not afraid that you will feel bad and get angry again."

Lin Xiaoru snorted, expressing her extreme doubts about this sentence, and despised the son who was rescued in the operating room,

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

Tang Yu is... extraordinarily stuffy...

So what, he admitted that when he was young, he did stray a little bit, but no matter how crooked that bastard is... Of course, he would not dare to say this sentence in front of Lin Xiaoru, otherwise he would think about it today. Do you sleep on the sofa at night? ! !


Next to him, Ji Yicheng and Shangguan Yu worked hard together to hold back the corners of their mouths and held back their laughter. They all overheard Uncle Tang's scandalous history when they were young when their fathers got together, so they probably knew about it.

No wonder the little wolf dog acted so well in front of Aunt Lin just now... so cowardly...


"Hey, do you think Haotian is also this cowardly in front of Shuifu?" Ji Yicheng poked Shangguanyu with his elbow.

Shangguanyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and murmured in his throat,

"I don't have a chance anymore."

The two young masters sighed softly in a tacit understanding. They are all married and have children, and the little tyrant is completely out of the game.

Two hours later, it was already past one o'clock in the morning, and the words "in operation" on the white wall with three bright red lights faded away.

The doctor came out from inside, took off the mask on his face, and his expression was slightly condensed with a disturbing seriousness.

Several people waiting outside the operating room rushed to greet him.

"Doctor, how is my son..."


Near noon.

The warm sunlight came in mottled from the old window sill, and through the untightened slit in the middle, it fell on the desk in front of the window like a flowing river.

Shui Fu sat up from the bed, her shoulder-length short hair was still a little messy.

Last night she didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night, but she kept having nightmares, so even if she didn't wake up until now, the dark circles under her eyelids were quite obvious... as if someone had beaten her up... …

Looking at the wooden window engraved with the years, I thought of the dreams I had last night, dreaming of her parents, mother, and grandmother when she was a child, and then dreaming of... Tang Haotian...

(End of this chapter)

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