I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1799 Damn, I can still be bluffed by bastards!

Chapter 1799 Damn, I can still be bluffed by bastards!

"... If you don't let go of my other leg today, why are you not my father!"

How dare you call me not his father!

Tang Yu's eyes rolled round and he stared, his lungs almost exploded suddenly, and his facial muscles twitched irregularly.


Very decisively, Tang Yu slapped Tang Haotian's backhand heavily, and slapped Tang Haotian's gauze-wrapped head heavily, followed by another slap,

"Damn it! I'm not your father? I don't want to recognize you as my son yet!

Look at your own behavior of a mad dog biting people, no wonder Shui Fu doesn't want you, and I don't want it, so kick it as soon as possible! "

What is a dear father!

A small knife and a small knife are all pierced in the son's heart, and there is no sympathy for a little bit of fatherly love...


As soon as Tang Haotian heard the name "Shuifu", Tang Haotian's whole body trembled, like an arrow "xiu" was shot at the center, and the temperature of the air around the ward dropped sharply in an instant.

"Shut up!" Tang Haotian roared angrily, hoarse and hoarse.

Tang Yu was stunned for a second by looking at the sharp red eyes that seemed to be severely torn apart, his brows twitched suddenly,

"You kid..."

Tang Haotian supported his uninjured right hand, struggling to grab Tang Yu's shoulder tightly, because the blue veins on the back of his hand were all protruding out because of too much force.

His eyes were flushed with heat, and he glared at Tang Yu like an enemy, his whole body seemed to be in a state of chaos, shouting loudly,

"I told you to shut up! Didn't you hear me! Shut up..."


Tang Yu had already reacted, and his eyebrows suddenly frowned fiercely.

Depend on***!

What an international joke, he can still be bluffed by this bastard!How dare you tell him to shut up!

It's against him!

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Tang Yu's raised hand called out again, and directly slapped Tang Haotian's face, which was fairer than a ghost, and a clear slap print immediately appeared.

Tang Haotian was also stunned by the slap... and he was very... completely...

Tang Yu squinted his eyes, "噗噐" furiously, hating the scolding that iron is not steel,

"What's the matter, tell me to shut up? You still feel that you can't stand the stimulation?!

Tang Haotian, you/mother/make it clear to me that you are the one who messed up bad things, don't make it look like you are the most wronged, innocent and vulnerable in the whole world!

You are a big man, a girl follows you, you have no name and no distinction, oh, who do you think you are, you are really the Jade Emperor, Heavenly King, Lao Tzu, it’s all yours! ! "

When he reached the last sentence of the curse, Tang Yubiao almost couldn't hold his breath, and the blood vessels in his neck burst.

Oh shit!

He was really mad at him, he was so handsome and unrestrained, why did he give birth to a son of a bitch!

Back then, he should have had a daughter with Xiao Ruru, but now he can still hold his eldest granddaughter!


Tang Haotian's whole body shook violently, as if he was suddenly woken up by Tang Yu's scolding.

A pair of red scarlet eyes suddenly heated up, and then slowly drooped dimly, and the right hand pinched on Tang Yu's shoulder was also powerlessly dropped, with a dull expression of more miserable sadness than the shock.

Tang Yu became more and more annoyed as he watched, gouging out the corners of his eyes and trying to scold again, he pulled his back and was dragged aside by Lin Xiaoru.

"Shut up." Lin Xiaoru glared at him with displeasure.

The corner of Tang Yu's mouth twitched, and he suddenly had an aggrieved face of "Xiao Ruru, I am educating my son", and muttered weakly,

"This kid needs to be cleaned up."

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  PS: I'm about to be scolded and cried by my own father... The little rabbit who loves the little tyrant king raises his claws (*▽*)

  Good night, blow a big kiss (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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