I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1802 The baby in Shuifu's belly belongs to the little tyrant?

Chapter 1802 The baby in Shuifu's belly belongs to the little tyrant?

"...How did Shui Fu come out so quickly and marry another man and have children?"

This is not in line with the common sense of love, well, although the two of them didn't seem to be in a serious relationship when they were together before, it doesn't make sense.

"That's why it is said that women are the most emotional, but once they make up their minds, they are definitely more ruthless and ruthless than men. Turning faces is faster than turning pages." Shangguanyu looked over, his tone light and indifferent.

Ji Yicheng nodded straight, with an expression of "I really agree",

"A woman's heart, a sea needle."

Just the night before yesterday, when he had slept until midnight, he was suddenly woken up by Qing Baoer's slap on the face, which scared him so much that he almost jumped up from the bed, his eyes widened and his eyes were full of tears. The little girl thought that something happened, so she hugged her tightly to coax her,

"Qing Baoer, what's wrong with you!"

Unexpectedly, his gentle wife punched him in the chest again, and yelled at him,

"I just dreamed that you went on a date with another beautiful girl behind my back!"

he just,"……"

I lost all my heart... I was so suffocated that I suffered a fancy internal injury... The facial expression was more exciting and rich...

Qing Bao'er, you said it was a dream, it's not true, he is recognized by the whole people as a 24-hour filial husband, how could he do the thing of dating other women behind his back, he is so wronged!

However, before the series of defense speeches could be uttered, he was kicked out of the bed by Qing Baoer, pushed and shoved out of the room, and even threw out the pillow kindly.

"Punish you to sleep in the guest room tonight! Reflect on yourself!"

"Kang bang – is it defeated?br />
The door panel almost hit his high nose...

Seeing the door slammed into the locked room, he wore only underwear/underpants, pursed his mouth, hugged the soft pillow in his arms, and silently burst into tears...

If he wants to commit a crime, there is no reason to worry about it. What exactly does he have to reflect on!

So women are really scary, the speed of turning faces is obviously ten times faster than the speed of turning books!

Also, I won't be sleeping in the guest room tonight... o(╥﹏╥)o


Situ Yan heard the "Award Acceptance Speeches" of the two brothers who had come here, nodded sympathetically, and concluded,

"Then it's not surprising that Haotian and Shuifu's sadomasochism is comparable to the recent hit domestic dog blood series."

Several people looked at each other, yes, not surprising.

Li Xize was still rambling, and raised his eyebrows lazily, with a playful tone,

"Hey, speaking of dog-blooded terriers, I was thinking that the baby in Shuifu's belly belonged to the Little Tyrant King. He ran with the ball first, and then found a stepfather for the ball... My own mother, that's the way to go!" It's the big show of the year!"

While talking about Li Xize, he still nodded in admiration of his own brainpower, and after he finished speaking, he found that the three men in the elevator were all stunned, and surrounded him with squinted eyes and weird faces, each looking more sinister than the other.

Li Xize stuttered his tongue in excitement, hugged his chest in a pretentious way,

"Damn it! What are you all doing!

I just made a joke to adjust the sad atmosphere in the ward just now, how come the bloody romance drama suddenly becomes a dangerous martial arts movie, I can't react..."


Tang Yu and Lin Xiaoru approached Xiao Jintang and came out of the office.

Lin Xiaoru looked solemn, then turned her head and rolled her eyes at Tang Yu,

"Did you hear what Jintang just said?"

 « €?br />
  PS: [Qingcheng couple's small theater]

  Take a shower at night.

  Big Boss Ji rolled onto the bed with his pillow in his arms, grinning obsequiously,

  "Honey, do you need to warm your bed? It's free~~~"

  "No, the weather is already hot enough." Jing Qingge glanced over.

  "Is it hot?!" Boss Ji stripped himself off in an instant and rushed over, "Husband will reduce the fire for you!"

  When a certain girl was pressed in the arms of the big bad wolf, eaten and wiped off several times, she suddenly remembered one thing, didn't she punish this bitch to sleep in the guest room!

  Big Boss: Sleep in separate rooms?nonexistent!

  « €?br />
  Hahaha, this chapter has a lot of information, please leave a message for Big Rabbit~

  Good night, mua~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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