I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1804 What to do, I really want to hear her voice... Really, I really miss her...

Chapter 1804 What to do, I really want to hear her voice... Really, I really miss her...

Tang Yu glanced at it.

Lin Xiaoru thought for a while, then said "Hey",

"It's just that arrogant young master who was pampered by the master of the Ou family since he was a child, who is so expensive in eating, drinking and having fun, and whose appearance is as good as your son's?"

Tang Yu immediately blew his beard and stared.

What does it mean to be as good-looking as his son?Xiao Ruru, where did your poisonous eyes go?Obviously the bastard is much more handsome than that young master of the Ou family! !


"They are all young masters. They usually play together. It's not surprising that they form a game together." Lin Xiaoru didn't receive Tang Yu's strong dissatisfaction, and continued.

Tang Yu snorted, looking at the road conditions in front of the car,

"It's not surprising to have a meal together, but what if the two of them fight at the end of the meal?"

"Ah?" Lin Xiaoru whispered in confusion, "Fight? Why?"

When I asked this question, before Tang Yu could answer, Lin Xiaoru had already thought about it, her eyes rolled up again, and she had a calculating face with a smile on her face.

"Don't provoke Shui Fu because of that kid from the Ou family?"

It is also an unscrupulous one, and everyone can have fun.

Tang Yu hooked the corners of his mouth, thinking that his wife was still as black-bellied as ever, and said with a sinister expression,

"Master Naha of the Ou family and Shui Fu are having a cup of wine."

"I'll go!!" Lin Xiaoruo was so excited that his eyes glowed green.

"Then Tang Haotian is about to explode, his girlfriend was molested, good fight! If he doesn't beat up the Ou family boy, he will definitely not be my son!"

Tang Yu suddenly laughed coldly, and Lin Xiaoru immediately glared over dissatisfied, "Why are you laughing so viciously?"

"As far as I know, your son took the initiative to ask his girlfriend to drink with the young master of the Ou family." Tang Yu said lightly.

Lin Xiaoru choked suddenly, her face turned green with anger, she couldn't get over it for a while, she gritted her teeth and scolded,

"Did Tang Haotian get water in his head or was kicked by a donkey's foot!

Why did I give birth to such a stupid bastard, he can do this kind of thing!He deserved to be dumped by the little girl! "

Lin Xiaoru had the urge to go back to the hospital right now and give her son a good lesson, completely forgetting what she had just told Tang Yu to be nice to his son.

Tang Yu laughed very unkindly, and finally his wife reached an agreement with him. He once thought that his son was too stupid, and he had no brains.


At this moment, the man who was alone in the ward didn't know that his parents had united.

Tang Haotian tilted his head, staring blankly at Mingyang outside the window, no sadness or joy could be seen on his pale face.

Until he took out the phone from under the pillow and saw the girl's photo on the screen, his eyes were red.

His fingertips trembled slightly, he opened WeChat, and Xi Weiran sent him a message yesterday, helping him find Fufu's new mobile phone number.

Looking at the string of unfamiliar numbers put together, even if he only read it once, he has already memorized it.

Suddenly, the lacquered eyes pierced, as if a storm of sadness had been set off in the eyes, and the bloodshot eyes were winding one by one in the eye sockets, as if they were about to erode to the apex of the heart...

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had dialed out.

The sound from the mobile phone fell into the oppressive and almost suffocating air, which made people hear it very clearly.

"Did it fail?br />
Hard and cold.

Waiting until the end, Tang Haotian smiled bitterly, her throat was sore, she remembered his number, she definitely...wouldn't answer it.

But, what should I do, I really want to hear her voice... Really, I really miss her...

 « €?br />
  PS: Do you want Fufu to answer the phone?

  Big Rabbit: What to do, touch your chest and tell yourself that you are your real mother! (,, ω)ノ

  good night mua~



(End of this chapter)

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