I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1813 What is a child born to a little girl and someone else?

Chapter 1813 What is a child born to a little girl and someone else?

"I don't care! I want Shuifu to be my daughter-in-law!"

On the phone, Tang Yu's ears exploded, and the eardrums were not ruptured, so he quickly poked a finger to dig out his ears and eyes,

"It's not my wife, Tang Haotian is doing everything he can to make a fuss, why are you making a fuss too?"

"Ah bah!" Lin Xiaoru yelled hard, "Who messed with you, I'm serious now!"


Tang Yu's throat choked.

Serious... Serious...?

I still don't understand what's going on here, thinking that my wife must be upset when she went to F city to see Shuifu, so she immediately coaxed her with nice words,

"Xiao Ruru, you see, I told you something before you went. The little girls are all married and are going to be mothers. No matter how hard we want to be, we can't do anything about it. This is the end of the matter. We can only talk about our fate. Too shallow, your son is too scumbag."

Lin Xiaoru suddenly laughed coldly, laughing so that Tang Yu's goosebumps trembled through the phone. Every time his wife laughed like this, it meant that something bad happened... Then I heard Lin Xiaoru sneered on the phone and threw it away. one sentence,

"It's really scum, I just know that I'm happy, I pat my butt when I'm done, and dump a lot of money to the little girl."

"Cough cough (⊙o⊙)..." Tang Yu suddenly didn't dare to speak, because his wife was really angry, and silently picked up the teacup, drinking saliva to calm down...


Lin Xiaoru looked up at the balcony on the second floor of the old building through the car window, and her delicate lips curled up slightly,

"It's best if she's pregnant, and she must be the daughter-in-law of our Tang family."

"Pfft..." Tang Yu was so excited that he spurted out a mouthful of tea in an instant, the corners of his mouth were still twitching convulsively, and he blushed and shouted, "Xiao Ruru, stop, you must calm down!"

"I'm calm."

"No, listen to me telling you, twisted melons are not sweet, even if Tang Haotian loves Shuifu to death, and can accept her and the child in her belly with someone else without any grievances, our Tang family can also accept her. , but the key issue is that the little girl has completely given up on your son." Tang Yu also spoke seriously once in a while.

"Could it be that you still have to force them to divorce? Although our family's status in City A is indeed there, but now it is a civilized, harmonious and loving society. Landlords and their stupid sons are no longer popular..."

Tang Yu almost didn't say the words of "robbing people's daughters by force".


Lin Xiaoru frowned the more she listened,

"Why don't I like to hear your words so much?"

"It's all true... the truth..."

"What do you mean by a little girl and a child born to someone else?"

"The truth..." Wei Mao suddenly felt a little timid...and still nervous...

"Fuck fart!" Lin Xiaoru suddenly became furious, and slapped the car seat cushion heavily with one hand, almost knocking over the heat preservation box next to it, and shouted loudly,

"The baby in Shuifu's belly is more than seven months old!"

1 – €?br />
2 – €?br />
In the third second, Tang Yu's horrified and broken voice came from the mobile phone that was silent for a moment, "I have a big fuck slot",

"Wife, you mean 'failed? br />
"Wait for me to go back and tell you!" Before Tang Yu could finish speaking, "Crack!", the phone hung up. Tang Yu glared at his cheeks, and the corners of his mouth collapsed. Xiao Ruru, I'm going to break the news now...


There is nowhere to rest a heart that loves to gossip...


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  PS: My dad wants to break the news, hhh~

  Good morning, Big Rabbit was too sleepy yesterday and didn't wake up, so I got up early to update the article, jiu(≧≦)



(End of this chapter)

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