I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1840 Bleeding

Chapter 1840 Bleeding

"What did you say!"

Downstairs, the black Bentley sedan that had been parked in the corner parking space started and quickly drove out of the community gate.

The group of people on the second floor who heard the movement raised their eyebrows and glanced at each other tacitly. They and Fufu are here, where did the little tyrant go?


F Central Hospital.

The Bentley car stopped steadily, and the two men were already waiting at the door.

"Master." One of them stepped forward and opened the car door with a slight bow, while the other ran to the trunk to take down the wheelchair.

Tang Haotian narrowed his eyes coldly, and the gloomy look between his brows added a bit of piercing chill,

"What about people?"

"It's still being rescued."

"lead the way!"

The long corridor outside the emergency room has been cordoned off to isolate the patients who came to the hospital for emergency treatment outside, and those who were so crowded wanted to watch the excitement.

In addition to the doctors and nurses rushing to and fro, there were also many policemen in police uniforms, each with a more serious expression than the other.


Tang Haotian's face became more and more ugly as he came all the way.

As soon as he entered the lobby of the emergency room, he smelled a strong smell of blood in the air.

I saw a large pool of bright red blood on the porcelain floor of the hall that hadn't been cleaned up in time, and then dripped all the way to the operating room.

Outside the cordon, his subordinates said something to the plainclothes policeman next to him who had been livid and stern.

The plainclothes frowned and looked at Tang Haotian, half-squinting his eyes for a little scrutiny, and then said "wait" with a slightly hoarse throat, obviously unhappy, before going in to report to his superiors.

His subordinates immediately turned their backs, and silently glanced at the handsome man in the wheelchair... Cough cough...

This policeman is so crazy, he dared to talk to his young master like that.

Bull B!

Soon, a middle-aged man in a formal police uniform came over, with two flowers on the badge on his shoulder. This man was the deputy director of the Police Department of City F, and the plainclothes man just followed him. Team leader.

"Young Master Tang." The deputy director came over and asked for the cordon to be pulled away.

Tang Haotian nodded his head slightly, his sculpted jaw line became more severe and distinct, and asked,

"Zhao Ju, what's going on?"


It turned out that a fierce gun battle took place in the outer city of City F at [-] o'clock this morning. The battle was between the serious crime team of the F city police department and the counterfeit banknote gang that had been watching for more than three months. One person was slightly injured and two were seriously injured.

One of the seriously injured policemen was Xu Mu.

"Xu Mu was shot twice, one on his right arm, and the other pierced his spleen, causing hemorrhage." The deputy director's expression was not good.

Tang Haotian looked at the three words "in operation" on the edge of the door with dazzling red light, his brows tightened, and he jumped up coldly.

He just went in a while ago and came out of the gate of hell. I dare to believe that this is all at odds with the hospital.


The corners of Tang Haotian's cold lips tightened slowly, as sharp as ice.


A nurse came out of the operating room with a panicked expression, the rubber gloves in her hands were still stained with blood, and shouted,

"There are not enough blood bags, and now organize on-site voluntary blood, whoever has type O blood, come with me."

Tang Haotian grabbed the nurse,

"What about the blood bank in the hospital?"

"There was a series of traffic accidents in the early hours of last night, and the stock of type O blood was all used up." The little nurse was very anxious.

Tang Haotian frowned fiercely, paused, and said coldly,

"I have blood type O, draw mine."

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  PS: Have you been fooled by the title again~~~~ cover your face (*/ω\*)

  I heard that today is 520, I want to confess to my little rabbits, I have all eyes on you, I just like you, I love you very much. (≧≦)



(End of this chapter)

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