I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1842 She thinks he's right here, right by her side

Chapter 1842 She thinks he's right here, right by her side

"Get the hell out of here!"

You are annoying!Y'all hate it!annoying!


Tang Haotian twitched the corners of his mouth viciously again, suppressed the tiredness between his brows, turned around, and saw Shuifu standing one meter away.

The bright moonlight reflected on her palm-sized face, which was fair and clean, with a thin blush on her cheeks, which was extremely beautiful.

I don't know if he read it wrong, but I always feel that the Shui Fu looks a little different tonight.

She pursed her lips, her eyebrows and eyes stretched, she lost the indifferent posture that she would clearly divide the Chuhe Han boundary with him when she saw him during the day, the corners of her beautiful eyes seemed to rise slightly, a little soft, as if she was... He smiled sweetly and cleverly...

Thinking of this possibility, Tang Haotian was so happy that he almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and immediately put the bad thing about Xu Mu's serious injury behind his head for the time being.

Leaning on crutches, he took a big step in front of Shui Fu, bent his eyes, tilted his head, and said with a smile that saw his teeth but couldn't see his eyes,

"Fufu, I'm back."

That tone of voice was like a husband who had been out for an afternoon to do errands, calling his wife after returning home, it was natural and smooth.


Shui Fu stood where she was and didn't respond to him, but she didn't turn around and leave like before.

When eating in the evening, the group of people who just drove away were still teasing at the table, saying that Tang Haotian had gone out at noon and hadn’t come back yet. Could it be that he realized the reality for a while and went back to City A in despair? Alright.

Just now, I heard the sentence he said softly, it was indescribably comfortable and gentle,

【Fufu, I'm back】

At that moment, my heart felt hot, as if something was melting little by little, and the breathing under the tip of my nose was suddenly suffocated.

These words were something she had hoped for many nights.

Yes, it was an extravagant wish, something she could not achieve alone.

But now it was actually staged, he was right in front of her eyes, even if this moment was very short, she had to admit that because of these words, her heart that had been restless all night suddenly fell back firmly into her stomach, A kind of swelling and full of peace of mind.

And the cognition in her head that she deliberately ignored became clearer at this moment.

She didn't want him to leave, she wanted him to be here, right beside her.


Shui Fuxu's hand tightened again, looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't help her eyelids twitching, and secretly worried, could she really not escape this guy?

Seeing that Shuifu ignored her, Tang Haotian continued to use his ability to talk and enjoy himself,

"I heard from the first meeting that you didn't eat much at night. Is it because you have a bad appetite? I'll cook some noodles for you later. How about noodles in mushroom broth? Or tomato and egg noodles?"

"No need." Shui Fu spoke.

Tang Haotian frowned, seeing the little woman's expression of displeasure that he would be out if he said one more sentence, although he didn't know what was wrong, but he lowered his brows, his eyes were smooth, and he changed his words in a polite manner,

"Then I'll take you back to the house. The wind is blowing and it's still a little cold. You can't catch a cold."

Shui Fu didn't say yes or no, she gave him another look with the corner of her eye, turned her head and went into the corridor.

Tang Haotian was overjoyed, it's a good thing if he didn't say it's bad, he hurriedly kicked his lame legs and followed.

After walking under the light in the corridor, Shui Fu could see clearly Tang Haotian's ugly complexion of emergency blood transfusion of 800ml plus he hadn't eaten all day, his face was as white as powder.

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  PS: Little Tyrant: I seem to see a glimmer of victory... ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿



(End of this chapter)

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