I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1848 Tang Haotian, do you just want Xu Mu to die!

Chapter 1848 Tang Haotian, do you just want Xu Mu to die!

Aunt Wang, where are you from...( ̄^ ̄)ゞ


On the back seat, Shui Fu couldn't help but tilt her head and fiercely slashed fiercely at the handsome man with thin lips curled up next to his eyes, his teeth itching with anger,

"Sit back!"

Then he turned his gaze back, tried his best to suppress the anger in his stomach, and was only worried about Xu Mu.

Of course Tang Haotian pretended not to hear, his buttocks were as steady as a [-]-ton weight... I stood still, motionless like the wind...

Looking at the side face of the little girl who was half exposed, her skin was fair, with a layer of delicate light powder, like a fine ice jade, the tip of her nose was slightly wrinkled, and the corners of her bright red lips were tightly pursed into a line, without a smile The tenderness and tenderness when she got up revealed even more the anxiety in her emotions at this time.

At least, sitting next to her, he could clearly read her unknowingly expressed emotions.

She was restless, especially her habitual little movements of clenching the tiger's mouth unconsciously with her thin hands.

Tang Haotian's eyes gradually deepened, and the smile on the corners of his lips slowly retracted. There was a glimmer of obscurity in his eyes, and he closed his eyes,


The deep voice was somewhat hoarse and tired, and the throat was also faintly sore.


After a quarter of an hour.

The car stopped steadily in front of the inpatient department building of F City Hospital.

After getting out of the car, looking at the solemn and cold building in front of her, Shui Fu's heart tightened suddenly, her face turned slightly pale, and she was so anxious that she grabbed Aunt Wang and was about to go forward.

"Wait." Tang Haotian also got out of the car and sat on the wheelchair that the driver took out from the trunk, and the driver pushed it behind.

Shuifu stopped reflexively, turned her head, and looked at him with a displeased expression. The meaning was clearly expressed, that is,

"You can go back if you have nothing to do."

Tang Haotian didn't look at her, there was a faint shadow under his half-drooped eyelids, and he only heard something like,

"I'll go up with you."

Shui Fu was stunned for a moment.


When I got into the elevator, I saw the red numbers on the door that were constantly increasing and flashing, and with a "ding", I arrived at the 12th floor.

Shui Fu finally came back to her senses, her beautiful brows were tightly wrinkled together.

If Tang Haotian knew that Aunt Wang told him that she was coming to the city hospital, but how did he know which ward of the hospital Xu Mu lived in? Just now he didn't ask his driver to ask the nurses at the nurse station.

Looking at the man in the wheelchair who had already got out of the elevator, Shui Fu's brows and eyes sank, her eyes were slightly cold.

Tang Haotian walked over to a VIP ward with ease. A man in a black suit stood at the door, and beside him was a police officer from the serious crime team.

Shuifu immediately recognized that the man in the black suit was Tang Haotian's subordinate.


Tang Haotian rolled his eyelids, pointed at the door scribbled, but he didn't see the ugly face of the little woman, he pinched his sore throat and said,

"People are inside."

Shui Fu shuddered all over, the dormant suspicion surged in her heart for a moment, her voice became cold when she spoke,

"Tang Haotian, did you already know that Xu Mu was injured while handling the case?"

Tang Haotian's eyebrows stabbed when he heard the words, and he raised his head and met her straight and narrow eyes, questioning, suspicious, and even more distrustful...

Suddenly, it was like a gust of cold wind passing through his heart, and the expression between his brows became colder little by little.

"Yes." Tang Haotian smiled coldly with no expression on his face, "Someone reported to me as soon as he had an accident yesterday afternoon."

Shuifu's shoulders trembled suddenly, and she almost blurted out, with a shrill voice,

"Then why didn't you tell me? Tang Haotian, what are you so worried about! Do you just want Xu Mu to die!"

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  PS: Cough cough, what the hell... my mother still covers her face and walks away (*/ω\*)

  Ask for a ticket, why not~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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