I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1860 "You are here, I don't know where to go..."

Chapter 1860 "You are here, I don't know where to go..."

Suddenly, he let out an even weirder low laugh.

Hearing that, Shuifu was startled suddenly, even a little frightened.

In the dark, she couldn't see the expression on his face, and his movements were faster than her head. Before she realized it, she had already raised her hand to grab his arm, and whispered softly in a lowered voice unconsciously. ,

"Tang Haotian..."

However, this time, he didn't answer her.


Tang Haotian smiled wryly.

He has always been self righteous and thought that Fufu hated him because of love, and the deeper the hatred, the stronger the love, so he was more justifiably sneering at her.

But it wasn't until she slapped him hard in the hospital that day that he suddenly became fully awake.

It turned out that it wasn't like this, instead of hating because of love, Fufu had held grudges against him for a long, long time.

As a lover, he has never given her the tender care that is equivalent to the price of a bed; as a boyfriend, he has never admitted that she is his girlfriend, even those brothers He kept it a secret...

Really, he was a complete scumbag, even he himself began to despise and loathe him, so he deserved to be abandoned like trash by the little girl he liked.

He also finally clearly realized how failed Tang Haotian's life was, a more intense self-denial, a loser (loser) who didn't even understand what love is.

So, he suddenly couldn't find the way to Fufu's heart...

Just like the darkness in front of him, he tried his best to clear the fog, but he didn't know how to continue walking.

Fufu, Fufu...


Shui Fu's eyes were moist, and she could most directly feel the increasingly intense sadness and desolation released from his body, and her heart turned cold little by little.

They hurt each other, pressed each other step by step, and tortured each other... Finally, they all turned themselves into the person they hated the most. I have nothing to say.

She also utterly hurt him.

Shui Fu took a deep breath, and cut off the thoughts in her heart when she went downstairs to find him.

I don't want it anymore... I don't want it anymore...

Shui Fu's fingertips trembled, and the little hand that was clasped on his arm was slowly released, just like he let go of her hand just now.

Now that he has confirmed that he is fine at home, that's fine. He should return to city A tomorrow. She and the baby in her stomach will continue to stay in this city.

[I have always been deeply in love, but why is the relationship shallow]


Shui Fu wanted to leave the room quickly, it should be said to leave his slightly bent embrace immediately.

Unexpectedly, before turning around and moving, Tang Haotian's wrist tightened suddenly, as if he knew what she wanted to do, he clasped her loose little hand tightly in the palm of his hand, his fingers intertwined.

Shuifu was suffocated, and heard his hot and heavy breathing falling from the top of her head, his chin pressed against her forehead, and he paused every word, slowly and calmly,

"You're here, I don't know where to go."

Shui Fu suddenly had a sharp sore nose, and the teardrops in her eyes immediately fell straight down.

He was answering her question about why he hadn't left yet.

Tang Haotian rolled his throat, and subconsciously pinched her finger bones and rubbed them twice, trying to relieve the wave of discomfort and soreness that rolled all over his body.

Here, there is a little girl he likes, how could he leave, how could he be willing to leave...

(End of this chapter)

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