I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1879 Without me from now on...you will definitely live happily 1

Chapter 1879 Without me in the future...you will definitely live happily 1

"It's specially made for you to eat. You like to eat shrimps. In the future..."

He had a sudden throat stop.

They... have no future.


Seeing Tang Haotian's froze face for a moment, Shui Fu's heart tightened for no reason, and she squeezed the chopsticks in her hand unconsciously, looking at him suspiciously, her clear eyes reflected his appearance.

Tang Haotian smiled again, and quickly covered up all the emotions in his eyes, and put on his usual frivolous posture as if nothing had happened, and said harmlessly with a smiling face,

"I just want to watch you eat."

The little girl just... blushed.

Shuifu coughed in her throat, and pretended to be calm, took another spoonful of chicken soup to drink, but she couldn't resist the increasingly hot ears...

Even if she didn't look at him, she could still feel a staring gaze from the side of her head...


"What's so interesting, don't look at it, eat your food!" Shui Fu couldn't bear it anymore, how could she swallow her food while staring at her like that.

But the coquettish voice in the mouth was like a piece of toffee, soft and mushy, without any deterrent force of reprimand, and continued to mutter unknowingly,

"It's not like I haven't seen it..."

Tang Haotian laughed,

"Okay, let's not watch it then."

He lowered his head, but the movement of peeling the shrimp in his hands stopped there, he was silent while breathing, and suddenly murmured something, in a very low voice,

"This is the first time we've eaten out, just the two of us."

Shui Fu was taken aback, she knew what he meant.

During the five years together, he and she have never contracted in public, let alone eating out alone, but there will inevitably be situations where he, as the big boss of the film investor, invites the entire crew to set a big table.

She always finds an excuse not to go if she can. If she can't find it, she finds a seat in the box farthest from him and sits with her back facing his direction.


When they could sit alone and eat together, it was on the dining table in the apartment, covered with a hollow glass gauze table mat she bought, pure white, with a beautiful rose embroidered in the middle.

Every time he came back, he opened the door and yelled that he was hungry, and then pushed her into the kitchen and asked her to cook him beef pot noodles. .

When the noodles are cooked, he will drag her to eat together. It's really boring to eat alone.

She is an actress and needs to keep in shape, so every time she fills him a large bowl, she sits opposite him with a small half bowl.

She likes to chew with her right teeth when she eats. She holds the chopsticks with the front three fingers pinched together, the little finger is slightly raised, and then she holds a chopstick and feeds noodles into her mouth. She looks cute and good-looking.

The warm orange light fell from the brand-new lampshade and landed on the tip of her pink and tender nose, because the noodles in the bowl were still steaming hot, scalding her big eyes and getting wet, just like in the forest Like a little bambi.

She raised her head, very attractive, squinted her eyes and asked him,

"Aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat?"

At that time, he didn't tell her, because he was stunned for a moment, and thought, why is the little girl in his family so beautiful.


Looking back frame by frame now, he didn't even know how happy he was at that time, and his happiness made him feel so jealous now.

(End of this chapter)

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