I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1888 Notification of Critical Illness! 2

Chapter 1888 Notification of Critical Illness! 2

Tang Haotian suffocated for breath, the hostility in his body has not faded...

"Fufu is not an advanced mother, how could she have pregnancy-induced hypertension?" He said every word in pain, subconsciously clutching his chest.

"Preeclampsia-induced hypertension can also occur in young primiparous women, and it may also be inherited in the family. There are many factors for the disease." The nurse replied in a low voice.


This was the first time Tang Haotian felt that it would be good if Fufu was not pregnant, so that she would not get sick, let alone be sent to the emergency room.

At home in the morning, he could clearly see that she was not feeling well, and her small face was pale and ugly. That should be the reason why she dropped the sink at the bathroom door. At that time, he should have taken her to the hospital for an examination immediately. Why is she pitying herself in her heart, thinking of making a lunch as a final farewell to Fufu.

It's all his fault!It's all his fault!

Tang Haotian, you T/M/D are a fool!

The corners of his lips were bitter, and he didn't even have the strength to give himself a big slap in the face. The cold open palm slowly tightened, and the heavy voice was like being soaked in molten iron.

"I won't sign it. Even if you give me another hundred sheets, I will tear them up. I will be a father soon. How dare she leave with her child."

"But..." The little nurse frowned, and as soon as she spoke, she was caught by Xiao Liu's red eyes and immediately choked on her throat.

Stop talking!

Xiao Liu hurriedly pulled the nurse aside, said something in a low voice, the little nurse looked at Tang Haotian again, then turned around and entered the operating room again.


Suddenly, Tang Haotian's back trembled, he staggered heavily, and fell against the wall.

The coolness permeated through the clothes, and the limbs were so cold that I couldn't feel the pain anymore. It was like a big bloody gash had been torn from my heart, and there were gusts of cold wind blowing from the hell of death...

When Tang Yu and Lin Xiaoru drove from city A to the hospital, this was what they saw in front of them.

Their son stood there alone, looking down at the messy scraps of paper on the corridor floor in a daze, his empty and dull eyes no longer had a glimmer of light.

Even with just one glance, it made people feel so strongly the indelible sorrow and grief that filled his body.

Tang Yu and Lin Xiaoru frowned fiercely at the same time, and looked at each other.

They rushed over from City A as soon as they received Xiao Liu's call, but they didn't expect a series of truck rear-end accidents on the expressway, and the traffic jam was delayed for more than an hour, otherwise they would have arrived at the hospital an hour ago.

Originally, the couple wanted to bring Xiao Jintang over to save their daughter-in-law, but Xiao Jintang went to Italy with his wife yesterday, so there was no way.

Xiao Liu had already run two steps over, and told Tang Yu and Lin Xiaoru roughly what happened just now, and the couple's faces were even more unsightly.


"Haotian." Lin Xiaoru walked up to Tang Haotian, looked carefully up and down, then gently held his son's shoulder, with a kind and gentle tone,

"Shui Fu will be fine, the little girl is kind-hearted, God can't treat her so badly."

Only then did Tang Haotian raise his head in a daze, focusing his slack eyes little by little until he saw clearly that the person in front of him was his mother, his blood-red eyes became hot, and he said in a low voice,

"Mommy, she is my life..."

Lin Xiaoru was slightly taken aback, and her eyes were also red.

After another two and a half hours, the atmosphere in the corridor was extremely depressing, and the door of the operating room opened.

Tang Haotian's pale face froze, but at this moment, he didn't dare to ask a single word.

Dr. Lin took off the mask he was wearing on his face, narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped up and grabbed Tang Haotian's shoulder and pressed it firmly,

"You have to be mentally prepared..."

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  PS: Are the little rabbits ready for the fingers?Leave a message for Big Rabbit!

  Good night... (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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