I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1934 Is there any reward for that little girl?

Chapter 1934 Is there any reward for that little girl?

She finally understood deeply what he said to her before.

[I never gave up on you. 】

It turned out that during those days when she thought she was fighting alone, he was actually behind her, silently protecting her.

She didn't know anything.


Tang Haotian raised his other hand and pinched her round earlobe, the softness between his fingertips continued,

"I watched you win the award in the audience that day, and I drove back to the airport to catch the ten o'clock flight. At that time, the matter in the United States had not been resolved, so I left before I had time to go back to the apartment at night."

"So, you came back from a long-distance flight for nearly [-] hours, only stayed for less than an hour, and flew back to the United States in a hurry, just to watch me win the prize on stage?" Shui Fu said bluntly. Looking at him, there is a deep, deep tenderness and softness in it.

Tang Haotian was slightly absent-minded, nodded and chuckled,

"Well, I can't help but come back, that's the first time you won an award."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She couldn't help blinking to relieve the sourness in her eyes, and there was already an uncontrollable tremor in her voice, "I never knew you came back that day."


"Ahem..." A certain man blushed all the time, and grinned, looking like Xiaojiabiyu's shy daughter-in-law,

"Just, I'm not too embarrassed."

Shuifu, "..." The emotional emotion that was brewing in the last second tensed...silently rolled her round eyeballs...


Tang Haotian, are you really ashamed to say this?In terms of skin and face, you should be a fairy who has practiced for thousands of years.


"And I thought you..." Tang Haotian suddenly pursed his lips, with a suspicious and contrived expression on his face...

Shui Fu's eyebrows jumped, and she continued to speak very cooperatively,

"What do you think is wrong with me?"

"I thought you didn't care about me, and it didn't matter whether I went to the award show or not. It's even very likely that you don't want me to go at all." After speaking, Tang Haotian's mouth was puckered, full of resentment.


Shui Fu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed "puchi",

"Well, I really don't want you to come."

The corners of a certain man's mouth began to droop.

"You won't give me a good look, maybe seeing you on the stage will affect my acceptance speech." Shui Fu said lightly.

A certain man's face also began to collapse, being so disgusted by the little girl... He is really wronged!

Shui Fu laughed softly,

"However, even though I have ten thousand reasons why I don't want you to come to the scene, in my heart, I still have ten thousand and one wishes for you to come."

Ten thousand and one wishes want you to come...

miss you...


Tang Haotian felt that he was going to float, as if he was stepping on the colorful clouds, his heart was swaying, swaying, swaying.


Shui Fu suddenly tiptoed, raised her head and rubbed sticky mouthfuls on his thin lips, smiling sweetly,

"Tang Haotian, thank you for coming that day."

Although I only found out now, it's not too late. Looking back on the night of the awards ceremony four years ago, I feel happier than every time I think about it.

The sunlight outside the window shone in her eyes like shining stars, illuminating him.

Tang Haotian put his arms around her waist, secretly rejoicing in his heart that luckily he came back at that time, even though he really felt like an idiot at that time, she didn't like to pay him much attention , He returned to the pole with a bang.

"Does the little girl have any rewards?" A certain man smiled mischievously.

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  PS: Writing these two chapters made me have a strong desire to have friends with the same style of Little Tyrant Blue Pot... so cute, handsome and affectionate!

  Seeing the comments of the little rabbits, it seems that everyone is thinking about the lifelong event of the second son of the Xuan family, haha ​​(evil face)

  Good night, big~



(End of this chapter)

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