I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1939 2 pm, press conference

Chapter 1939 Two o'clock in the afternoon, the press conference

... The ignorant, lonely, brave woman who hit her head and bled all by herself... was completely ruined!

This is an era of public opinion that entertains to the death. The crowd watching and eating melons will never think it is a big deal. The entertainment industry has become the first object of consumption by netizens. In the last second, people are held high in the clouds as goddesses. In the next second, they will be led away by the guidance of public opinion, regardless of whether the truth is true or not, they will follow suit and carry out personal attacks, and even become black people on the whole network in the end.

As a big boss in the entertainment industry, he has seen many such examples, but this time, dirty water was poured on Fufu.


Tang Hao was trembling all over from the weather, and while he wanted to crush all those who insulted and slandered Fufu on the Internet, he also wanted to slap himself in the face!

Because, the online violence she suffered for no reason was all because of him.

It was he who didn't protect his little girl well, and let her leave in such despair when she was pregnant and needed him the most.

Another person has been waiting for him for so long...

Tang Haotian's back stiffened severely, and his throat felt constricted, painful and astringent.

He couldn't imagine how sad Fufu would be when he saw the news on Weibo.

He resisted his breath, closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened them again, there was a thin light of murder and terror in his eyes.

Now is not the time to pursue accountability, the most urgent task is to solve the "scandal scandal" that has already spread everywhere.


Tang Haotian picked up his cell phone and dialed the president's secretary's office.

"Inform the company's media department to prepare a press conference at two o'clock in the afternoon and invite all well-known entertainment media in the circle."

On the phone, the man's voice sounded as sharp as black iron, every word sank.

Hearing Linda, the secretary at the other end, trembled, her legs were so frightened that she trembled instantly, and then she answered calmly,

"Okay, President."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Haotian raised his head slightly, took a deep look at the door of the study, dialed another number, and got connected quickly.



When Tang Yu sent Lin Xiaoru to the apartment, Tang Haotian had been waiting in the living room for nearly 10 minutes.

The doorbell rang crisply.

Tang Haotian put the notebook on the coffee table and opened the door. Outside the door, Lin Xiaoru was carrying several bags and a laminated insulation box.

"Mommy." Tang Haotian shouted in a low mood, his brows were still tightly locked, and he glanced at the corridor outside, "Did Daddy come with you?"

"I let him go back." Lin Xiaoruo decided to regard his son as air, and asked as soon as he entered the house, "Where is my daughter-in-law?"


It's his Fufu.

Tang Haotian's heart sank suddenly, he pinched his brows, and his tone was even more subconsciously soft,

"She's in the room taking a nap with the little girl."

Lin Xiaoru squinted her eyes and stared at Tang Haotian for several seconds, her eyes were cunning and dark-bellied, tsk tsk, that bastard who came out of her stomach with bare ass/ass crying and playing around is really a decent husband now I'm a father now.

Lin Xiaoru curled her lips into a smile,

"I gonna go see."


in the bedroom.

The two little girls, one big and one small, slept soundly.

Tang Haotian stood by the bed, leaned over and kissed Shui Fu's plump forehead, and said in a low voice,

"Fufu, I'm going out for a while, and I'll be home in a while."

Shuifu was in a sweet dream, curled up like a little lazy cat and rolled around in the thin blanket, and threw him a beautiful back of the head.

Tang Haotian couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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