I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1954 Nonsense!My daughter's papa is delicious! ! !

Chapter 1954 Nonsense!My daughter's papa is delicious! ! !

"Whoa? That's a loss?br />
There was a loud cry from the milk voice!

Shui Fu was taken aback and trembled all over. She was so startled that she slapped a certain man's face with a crisp "pia".

The corners of Tang Haotian's eyes and mouth were twitching... silently covering his face and crying...

Little princess, your father proposed this once in his life, and he still hasn't kissed your mommy enough. You're crying like this... heartbreaking... majestic...

Is it really okay to be so powerful?

o (╥﹏╥) o


In the incubator on the side, Little Puff was kicking her fleshy little feet, her pair of beautiful peach eyes, which were as beautiful as her mother's, were round and open, and she was crying with her mouth open, so that she could forget herself.

Little Puff: Stupid Baba, I am singing the Ode to Joy March for you and Ma Ma to successfully propose marriage!You still despise me!

Tang Haotian: It doesn't exist!Even if I dislike myself, it is absolutely impossible for me to dislike my daughter!

Shui Fu slapped Tang Haotian's face lightly again, and pulled it aggressively, and said coquettishly,

"Hurry up and coax your little girl to see what's going on."

Tang Haotian smiled silly again, grinning,

"Then I'll coax the little girl's Mummy again."

After finishing speaking, before Shuifu could react, he leaned over, clasped the back of her head with one hand, lowered his head, and kissed her small bright red mouth with a layer of water, and kissed it properly. A little ruffian playing hooligans.

Then, with a happy smile on her face, she hugged her daughter and coaxed her softly,

"What's the matter with my little princess, don't cry, don't cry, tell Daddy quickly..."

Little Puff: Stupid dad is stupid dad, if he can talk, does he need to cry? ! [○`Д○]

It turns out that the little princess is stinky.


Shui Fu sat by the bed, looking at the father and daughter in front of her, the smile in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Not long after the little girl was born, this guy already looks like a daddy.

Tang Haotian hugged the little princess and gently put it on the bed, untied the diaper skillfully, took out a baby-specific thermal wet tissue, and wiped the little princess's white buttocks little by little. This action was repeated three times. Finally, put on a new piece of diaper, which is neither loose nor tight.

The little princess was served comfortably, and she stopped crying all of a sudden, her big round eyes were still full of tears, she just smiled at Tang Haotian with her small mouth, and babbled intermittently.

In an instant, Tang Haotian's old man's heart was softened to a mess.

Then, a certain 1.8-meter-five big man incarnated as an old hen guarding the cubs squatting tightly by the bed, reaching for his neck, tilting his head slightly, making all kinds of strange expressions to make the little puff laugh, and said silly,

"Little Puff, you heard it just now, your mommy agreed to marry Daddy, and we will be a family of three in the future, aren't you very happy?

In this life, your mommy is Daddy's big baby, you are Daddy's little baby, and Daddy will revolve around you two...


In the end, Shui Fu couldn't listen any longer, her ears turned red, she wasn't drunk, why was she possessed by an idiotic chatterbox again.

"Stop nagging, go take out your little girl's dirty diapers and take out the trash, don't you smell the smell in the room?" She kicked Tang Haotian's calf lightly.

Tang Haotian suddenly raised his head, straightened his neck, and scratched the water flower with a serious expression.

Shui Fu was taken aback, Tang Haotian was staring at... staring at her?

"Nonsense! My daughter's papa is delicious!!!"

 « €?br />
  PS: Hahahahaha... the big rabbit laughs for a while

  Good night, mua~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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