I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2084 He asked her, "Rongrong, do you like me?" 1

Chapter 2084 He asked her, "Rongrong, do you like me?" 1

The two spoke at the same time.

Rongli couldn't say anything after that.

"Nuan Nuan came here with her husband. My cousin's husband is an FBI Interpol, and he recently handled a case in Boston," he said.


She stared at him blankly.

In fact, Xuan Yu is not a particularly talkative person. Although his temper is considered the most gentle and refined among the younger sons of the Ji Xuan family, this trait is only limited to his family members, who have worked hard for so many years. It is hard enough to be the regulator of the relationship between the boss and the third son.

But don't forget, he is the son of Xuan Chenhao and Ji Tianmo, and he is born with dark and ruthless blood flowing in his bones.

A gentleman is just the outsider's first impression of this man. When he speaks, his coldness and hostility are strong enough to be felt.

But now he is really explaining to her, telling her who Nuan Nuan is very seriously, and just now he was gossiping with her about how his brothers would scold Yamashitaro, and said a lot to make her happy.

In fact, how could she not know that he was introducing his family members to her one by one, whether it was the mafia or dark fire, terrorist organizations, and complicated backgrounds, but he did not hide anything from her. The fire king of fire told her.

If you don't treat each other sincerely, how can you be unreserved.


Rong Li's eyes were quiet, and he slapped his eyes lightly, and the rhythmic beating in his chest suddenly became flat.

It seemed that all the uneasiness... and the awkward and petty girlish thoughts... were all comforted in the most gentle and appropriate way in that moment of staring at her.

He didn't make a new girlfriend, and the beautiful and weird girl turned out to be his sister.

Like him, likable.

Xuan Yu hooked her fingers and stroked her chin lightly, narrowed his eyes and looked at her carefully from left to right, with a light and playful tone,

"Rong Rong, are you jealous?"

Rongli's nose was sour all of a sudden.

Today they met again in the cafe, he called her "Miss Rong", and tonight at the casino he introduced her name "Rongli".

This was the first time he called her Rongrong tonight, the voice was gorgeous, with a doting and satisfied smile, just like the strings of a cello, it was very pleasant.

Just, touched her heart.


Xuan Yu saw the glint of water in her eyes most clearly, just looking at her coldly without making a sound, he felt very distressed.

The indifference between the two of them that had been stalemate all night suddenly melted away gently and softly.

Xuan Yu took a deep breath, and originally planned to tease her again, but he didn't want to all of a sudden.

His slightly rough fingertips rubbed gently along her jaw line, and his hoarse voice was low,

"This is the idea of ​​Xiao Sanzi and the others, let Nuan Nuan pretend to be my girlfriend to meet you.

In fact, I also think it is quite naive, but who told you to leave before I woke up? I have been looking for you for more than a month, and I have missed you for more than a month. I almost turned the whole America over. There is news for you.

But you didn't feel happy when you saw me, and you still turned a blind eye when you saw me hugging other girls. The completely indifferent appearance made me feel like a joke. "

He suddenly darkened his eyes, as if the sparks in his eyes had been extinguished, and his already low voice became heavier.

At that moment, Rong's heart ached, and he only felt that his chest was constricted and uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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