I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2099 Anne Castle, Here Comes Her Chapter...

Chapter 2099 Anne Castle, she is back...

"No, let's go now." She opened her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, across his eyes.

Xuan Yu actually knew her stubbornness, his face was slightly silent for two seconds, then he nodded, and said softly,

"Okay, then you sleep for a while, I will call you when we arrive."

He told Xiao Suo another address, the port was still an hour away from the western suburbs of Boston.


Rong Li originally thought that she would be so nervous that she couldn't fall asleep at all, but she didn't expect that the car hadn't been out for a long time, she only felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier...

The tip of her nose was filled with the faint citrus scent of his body, with a few hints of the mellow aroma of red wine. Only then did she vaguely remember that he seemed to have drunk a lot of wine on the gambling boat just now.

His big hands held her face and gently stroked her face. The warm and dry touch made the whole small compartment feel warm...

A soft snore sounded in the air.

Xuan Yu couldn't help but curved his lips into a smile, his eyes were full of pampering, his fingertips rested on her beautiful brow bone and rubbed lightly, and sighed softly,

"I really can't guard against me..."

Xiao Suo thought that Xuan Yu was talking to him,

"Second brother, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Suo twisted his neck and turned his face away, with a happy expression of "I didn't see anything" winking.

Xuan Yu rolled his eyes in disgust, and suppressed his throat, uttering,

"I didn't talk to you, so keep your voice down."

"...Oh..." Xiao Suo was speechless and turned his neck back, and heard the second brother add "drive slowly".

Xiao Suo silently wiped the corners of his eyes and felt tightness in his chest.


Sure enough, men are big pigs who see/color/forget/friends, he feels that he has been hit and hurt...



It was exactly an hour to the suburbs.

The black car stopped steadily in front of the castle, and the woman in her arms had no intention of waking up.

Xiao Suo gestured to Xuan Yu, and then pointed to the outside of the car. People have three urgencies, they have to solve major issues in life.

Xuan Yu understood, nodded his chin, and hurried to go.

Xiaosuo opened the door lightly, and took out his mobile phone when he got out of the car, and went online and sent a message in the "Terrorist Boss Concentration Camp" group,

【Seek comfort!The second brother murdered me for the future second sister-in-law!woo woo woo...]

"Ding ding ding", a large number of terrorist bosses heard the news and went online, and quickly started a fierce onlooker gossip.

In the carriage, when Rongli woke up, another hour had passed, a rare look of confusion appeared on her pretty face, looking at the man who was holding her close at hand.


"are you awake?"

The two spoke at the same time, Xuan Yu nodded, Rong Li's movements of rubbing his eyes froze slightly, and slowly sat up from his embrace,

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Seeing that you slept too soundly, I want you to sleep a little longer." Xuan Yu naturally held her waist, hugged her firmly like a child, and carefully held her just now. The button of the suit that was messed up in sleep was buttoned again.

Rong Li's cheeks were slightly hot, she didn't know how long she hadn't had a good night's sleep, although she didn't sleep for a long time, it was rare that she didn't have a nightmare.


Xuan Yu pretended not to see the shyness on her face,

"Get out of the car now?"

After asking this sentence, he clearly felt her spine straightened and her shoulders stiffened for a moment.

Rongli has already looked out of the car window.

A huge and gorgeous castle, at a glance, is brightly lit, and the endless lawn is full of floor lamps, like twinkling stars falling from the sky, like a princess palace in a fairy tale , too dreamy to be real.

Anne Castle.

She has come back.

(End of this chapter)

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