I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2187 Keeping the Lie of a Happy Ending

Chapter 2187 Keeping the Lie of a Happy Ending
"That's a must!" The group responded in unison, bang bang and rushed downstairs.

Xiao Jintang smiled faintly, and walked behind with Ji Tianmo and Xuan Chenhao.

Just as they were about to walk through the corner of the corridor and go down the stairs, the three of them stopped together tacitly. Hearing the loud laughter coming from the kitchen downstairs, the third son was still yelling, "Daddy Ye, take your What are you doing standing there with an empty vegetable basket, hurry up and wash the vegetables", Ye Li and Ji Liancheng sighed together, "The goblin is really getting fatter..."


Ji Tianmo narrowed his eyes slightly, and met Xuan Chenhao's eyes. Looking over, the Queen's face was unusually heavy,

"Xiao Si'er, you didn't tell the truth to the second child just now."

Although the group of top boys didn't notice it, the couple and Xiao Si had been old friends for decades, and they knew each other very well.

Just before Xiao Si and the second child said that Xiao Rongrong would get better in the future, the slightly silent expression at that moment was obviously hesitating.

Xiao Jintang's complexion had already darkened, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was stopped all of a sudden, there was an iron-like coldness between his sharp brows, and when he spoke again, his voice was heavy,

"Xiao Rongrong cried and begged me to help her hide her second child. She said that even if she lied and cheated, it was a white lie in order to keep a happy ending with him."

Ji Tianmo's heart trembled slightly, and Xuan Chenhao's face also changed.

"I really can't help it..." Xiao Jintang pinched his temple feebly, then continued with a deep sigh,
"You've all seen the bed sheet that Nuo Xiaonuo is hugging, right? It's all blood that Rongli vomited. I'm just renewing her life now. At most, there are still seven days at most. She..."

Suddenly there was a "pang" at the stairs, Xiao Jintang paused, and the sound stopped.


A certain little goblin was about to cry stupidly by himself, how could his legs go limp and hit the railing of the stairs? !

It's over...

As soon as Xuanfei turned around, sure enough... he saw his father, mother and uncle Xiao staring at him coldly, it was so scary...

Xuanfei shivered, and in the next second, he put on an innocent and terrified expression of "I was just passing by with soy sauce, I didn't hear anything", and waved his hands straight back,

"I just came up to ask Uncle Xiao if you want beef hot pot or mutton hot pot. Since you are all busy, forget it. I'll make my own decision. You guys continue..."

As soon as Xuan Fei turned his head, Xuan Chen Hao raised his hand and grabbed him by the back of the neck like a chick, pulling him roughly.

Xuan Fei almost held his breath and his throat got stuck, and he wept lasagna silently, his father really came from his own father.

woo woo woo... ┭┮﹏┭┮

Ji Tianmo slapped Xuan Fei's head lightly with "pia", and said "Oh" with a smile,
"Little Sanzi, have you been eavesdropping on me?"

In an instant, Xuanfei's goblin fur was about to explode, his face was shattered, and he was crying with his mouth puckered.

"Queen, please, really...please don't laugh like this, it's too scary, scary, I'm afraid..."

"Hey, watch your big horn tongue, if you dare to let the second child know a word of what your Uncle Xiao said just now—" Before Ji Tianmo finished speaking, Xuan Fei blurted out with incomparable self-knowledge,
"The three of you join hands to destroy me!"

In the kitchen, everyone was very surprised that Xiao Feifei came down from the stairs, and suddenly she looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, limp and lifeless.

(End of this chapter)

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