I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2192 She proposed to him, "Xuan Yu, let's get married."

Chapter 2192 She proposed to him, "Xuan Yu, let's get married."

This was her only wish before she died.

Xuan Yu, after all, I still owe you...

"Knock knock", there were several knocks on the glass door, Xuan Yu stood outside the bathroom door, holding a set of light pink cotton pajamas,

"Rongrong, you didn't bring your pajamas, I brought them for you."


After 2 minutes, Rongli opened the door, but only opened a small gap of less than [-] centimeters, and a bare/slip/slip arm protruded from it, very thin, with very white skin, as if soaked in a cup of water. The very fragrant milk bath, and the water droplets slid to the wrist and dripped down, tender and raw.

Xuan Yu's eyes darkened, his gaze was a little fixed, and he even wanted to reach out and touch it.

"Where are the clothes?" The woman's voice came out from the door together with the sound of "squeaking" water, she tilted her head, and her outstretched arms were also dangling up and down in the air.

Seeing her cute movement of shrinking back nervously, Xuan Yu's heart softened, and he smiled, and subconsciously pinched his throat lightly, as if a ball of sweet cotton candy was stuck there, melting away bit by bit.

"Here." He held her dangling hand, and put the pajamas on her hand, with a serious but gentler tone,
"There is a bottle of lavender essential oil next to the bathtub. You can take a bath and soak for a while, and you will feel much more comfortable after soaking."


"Don't worry about me, I'll play by myself."

"Oh..." There was another muffled sound from the door.

Xuan Yu closed the door for her very considerately again, stood outside the door for a long while, rubbing the corners of his lips, but the smile on his lips couldn't be stopped, and he became more and more joyful and indulgent.

It turns out that happiness is so sweet.


Half an hour later, Rongli came out of the shower, Xuan Yu was in the closet, and came out when he heard something.

She was wearing that set of pink pajamas, her soft long hair that was only half-dried was wrapped in a dry towel, revealing a small oval face the size of a palm, and her exquisite facial features highlighted the advantage of mixed race, because she just took a bath, her face was also red The red one is steaming.

At a glance, the whole person is pink and tender, just like a [-] or [-]-year-old girl in the school who has just begun to love, she is very beautiful.

Xuan Yu walked towards her quickly,

"It's done so soon, didn't you take a bath?"

"Well, I don't really want to soak." Wanting to stay with you for a while, even for a second, Rong Li looked at him and said that she had taken painkillers, and now the pain is gone.

"You go wash too."

Xuan Yu turned around and went to the bathroom, but soon came out of the bathroom again, still holding the hair dryer in his hand, took her hand, walked to the edge of the bed and sat on it, patted his legs,

"I'll dry my hair for Master Rong before I wash it."

During this period of time, she was not in good spirits, and she was in a daze every day. Sometimes he even took a shower for her. After washing her hair, he would hug her and let her rest on his lap, and he would dry her hair with a hair dryer. , the movement was ridiculously careful, for fear of hurting her.


Rongli's nose was slightly acidic, but he bent his eyes and smiled,

"it is good."

She was lying on his lap, looking at him from this angle, he was so good-looking.

"When you were taking a shower just now, I took all your clothes from the bedroom next door and hung them up. You can move to my room from now on, okay?" Xuan Yu said, and the hair dryer made a buzzing sound.

Rongli didn't speak.

Xuan Yu paused, then said,

"I want my room to be bigger, and it will be more comfortable for us to sleep together at night..."

What is more comfortable? What he obviously wanted to express was that they have lived together for so long anyway, and they will never be separated again...

A certain man was about to cry because of his stupidity.

Suddenly she called his name,

"Xuan Yu, let's get married."

  PS: Ang, the big white rabbit toffee in the glass slag. . . ┭┮﹏┭┮
  Good night, love my little bunnies~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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