I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2196 Xuan Yu, you are the stupidest man in the world

Chapter 2196 Xuan Yu, you are the stupidest man in the world
It turned out that from the very beginning, he was ready to marry her.

He really loved her to the extreme.

Tears just fell out like this, she didn't even think about it, she seems to be crying more and more recently...


Xuan Yu was so nervous that his expression changed, and he hurriedly wiped away her tears,

"Rong Rong, why are you crying?"

Rong Li let his hands wipe her face,

"Well, I don't cry. It is a very happy thing that we are getting married. I am so happy that I am like this. I am crying with joy."

Xuan Yu felt even more distressed, bent over and kissed her red eyes from crying, and then kissed the tip of her red nose, while patting her on the back, coaxing her softly,
"My silly girl."

The two talked for a while, until they made her laugh, and Xuan Yu went to take a bath in peace.

Rong Li leaned against the head of the bed, looking at his back as he walked to the bathroom, on his naked back there were scars from the red wine rack he blocked for her, especially on the right shoulder blade, the wound was fresh The grown flesh is not the same color as the surrounding ones.

It still hurts all the time.

Rongli subconsciously clutched his chest tightly, the hot flashes that he coaxed back surged in his eyes and melted into a misty mist, weeping silently in his heart,
"Xuan Yu, you are the stupidest man in the world."

She rubbed the corners of her eyes indiscriminately, reached under the pillow, and took out a notebook with a dark brown kraft paper cover and a pure black pen.


Downstairs in the living room, the TV series finished, and everyone went back to the room in pairs to rest.

Xuan Fei went downstairs to drink water, Ji Yinuo was also in the kitchen, making milk powder for Xiao Fanxing and Xiao Cui Can.

"Isn't Da Miao Daddy usually responsible for eating, drinking and sleeping for the little princesses? Why is he willing to let you come today?" Xuan Fei walked over in small steps.

Ji Yinuo gave her a blank look, and she didn't know who gave her a dark look just before the whole family went upstairs, making it clear that the subtext was "Nuo Xiaonuo, let's have a private chat if you have something to say". That's why she let Su Yan stay in the room, and she went downstairs to make milk powder.

Xuan Fei must have heard the movement and followed him out of the room.

Dress her up.

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

"Xiao Feifei, you fart as soon as you want, I'm so annoyed, don't hit me haha." Ji Yinuo gave another squinting look in disgust.

Xuan Fei tilted his head, pursed his mouth,
"When everyone was in the living room, the second brother came downstairs with sister Rong in his arms. I didn't say a word the whole time. You must have stepped on me at that time."

"En." Ji Yinuo paused for a moment while stirring the small spoon, and his tone obviously sank.

The corners of Xuan Fei's laughing mouth suddenly closed,

"So, you also know that Sister Rong is hopeless, and what Uncle Xiao said is lying to us."

"When Uncle Xiao was resuscitating Rongli, I was by the side. Rongli begged Uncle Xiao not to tell the second child that she was dying, and she also asked me to help her fulfill her last wish." Ji Yinuo said, thinking of This made her feel even more distressed.

"Sister Rong's last wish? What is it? Can I help?" Xuanfei asked three questions in a row.

Ji Yinuo put down the bottle in his hand, turned his head to look over,

"You know that our dark fire biological group has recently developed a new drug that can erase people's memories, and it is still in the experimental stage."

Xuanfei was startled suddenly, his face was terrified, and he raised his voice even more unbelievably,
"You mean sister Rong wants to—"

(End of this chapter)

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