I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2201 1 letterhead with pure white cover

Chapter 2201 A letter with a pure white cover

"...Rongrong, you have to hold me by your side, and you can't leave me no matter where you go."

Until a long time later, whenever Xuan Yu saw the pure white enveloped letterhead, Junxiu's familiar handwriting, and the sentence written at the end of the paragraph,

"Sorry, I left you behind in the end. I will continue to love you deeply in another world."

He still couldn't help crying, sitting alone in front of the french windows, staring at the pot of bright red roses on the window sill, unable to let go of it for a long time.


Rongli tried her best to raise the corners of her lips, the Mexican sun shone into her eyes, making it more painful.

"Okay." She nodded and smiled at him.

Xuan Yu also laughed, just like the blue boy in the long river of memory, with a clean and pure smile.

Xuan Yu held her hand, only then did he notice something strange.

The palm of her hand that was broken by him was still soaked in fresh wet blood, and the area near the wrist was broken, and several new messy wounds seemed to roll over sharp stones.

"Rong Rong, why is your hand hurt?" Xuan Yu looked nervous.

Rong Li smiled nonchalantly and waved his hands to comfort him,
"Just now I accidentally sprained my foot and almost fell down. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and put my hands on the ground in time. I scratched my skin a little. I'm fine.

But the phone fell out of my pocket and broke, so I didn't answer your call. "

"If the phone breaks, it breaks. The important thing is that you didn't drop it." Xuan Yu's face was sullen, and his brows were also tightly frowned.

Rong Li couldn't help laughing, narrowed his eyes and turned around in front of him,

"Look, I'm fine, I can run and jump."


Although she said she was fine, Xuan Yu was still worried, and regardless of the people passing by, he bent down and picked her up,
"Go home and let Uncle Xiao check it out for you."

"No need, I'm really fine, how can it be so serious if my hand is scratched." Rong Li felt that Xuan Yu was a little too nervous.

He looked at her fixedly, his face slightly cold,

"You are not in good health now, if the wound is infected by bacteria, it will really become very serious."

He remembered everything that Uncle Xiao said before. Uncle Xiao said that her immune system was severely damaged, and even a small cold might kill her.

How could he not be afraid.

It was only then that Rong Li remembered her terrible body, and seeing his gloomy face, his heart also lost little by little.

"Then let's take pictures in front of the Moon God statue before going home."

"The next time we come together again, don't worry about this, I will take pictures with you when the time comes." Xuan Yu said.

"No." Rong Li suddenly said, very stubborn,
"We'll just take a picture, it won't waste much time, okay?"

Because, there is no next time.

Xuan Yu was stunned in astonishment, looking at the sparkling expectation in her eyes, he had no choice but to indulge,
"it is good."

In the end, they took a lot of group photos, Rongli was so happy, her favorite one was that she stood with him in front of the statue of the Moon God, and the white pigeons in the square were quietly eating and playing.

He put his arms around his waist lightly, lowered his chin slightly, she looked up at him, the orange light of the setting sun diffused over and sprinkled on their profiles.

The two looked at each other, at that moment, only each other was left in their eyes, and the world was tender.

In the castle, Xuan Ye answered the phone without speaking, then hung up.

"What's the matter, brother Yu called?" Mo Nuannuan glanced at the phone screen.

(End of this chapter)

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