I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2212 He still has a knot in his heart, he hasn't solved it yet, and he hasn't heal

Chapter 2212 He still has a knot in his heart, he hasn't solved it yet, and he hasn't healed himself yet...

"Well, I'll be home soon, Mommy." He replied with a smile.

Then I heard the stars on the phone and Xiao Tiantian imitating Xuan Fei and shouting in a childish voice,

"Second Uncle (Second Uncle), you have to hurry up, the princesses in the castle are waiting for you to come back..."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Xuan Yu couldn't help but lifted his lips and smiled again, his eyes fell on the girl's photo on the phone screen, he rubbed lightly with his thumb, and softness flashed across the bottom of his jet-black eyes.


Mexican castle.

A group of coquettish men with well-combed hair in the kitchen are preparing tonight’s New Year’s Eve dinner in aprons, and the women are all dressed up, sitting on the sofa in the living room, eating melon seeds and gossiping, and holding Zhang Zhang beside them. Mahjong is played at the table, and the little milk babies are rolling and playing on the thick plush carpet beside the coffee table.

That's right, the division of labor between men and women in their family has always been like this.

"Momo, what does the second child say, are you back?" Bai Xue came out of the kitchen, holding a basket of freshly washed creamy strawberries in her hand, walked to Ji Tianmo and sat down.

Ji Tianmo picked a plump and clear strawberry and fed it to his mouth.
"Everything is done, I am on my way back, and I just got home in time for the reunion dinner."

Bai Xue nodded and said softly,
"I think the second child has changed a little bit, and his personality is much lighter than when we came to the wedding last time."

Ai Qianqian and Ji Tianmiao also looked over, as well as Jing Qingge, Ji Yinuo, and Xuan Zhihuang, all nodded vigorously with expressions of "Yes! We agree with the eldest aunt".

Especially a certain non-goblin who was playing with Xiao Tiantian just now, suddenly grabbed its neck and screamed,

"Brother Yu is now more serious and boring than Ye Da, and he has no sense of humor at all!

Yesterday afternoon, I saw a joke on Weibo, and I went to tell him to tell him to make him happy. In the end, I almost laughed out loud, and he still had a deadpan expression on his face.

focus!The point is, do you know what the second brother said to me? "

"What?" The group asked curiously.

"He glanced at me lightly, and said, 'Xiao Feifei, come and help me share some work when you've laughed enough'." Xuan Fei's pretty bun face wrinkled into a ball, and he groaned again,
"This is Ye Dada's line! If it was in the past, brother Yu would definitely praise me and say,
"Xiao Feifei, you are obviously a goblin, why are you becoming a comedian? Is it possible that you want to cross over from the show business circle to the cross talk world?"! "


Looking at Fei Xiaosan who burst into tears with his exaggerated acting skills, everyone looked at their noses and noses, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Xuanfei's eyelids twitched, and he pursed his mouth and howled,

"What's wrong, am I wrong???"

"Yes, yes, yes..." All the women on the sofa nodded in agreement, and even the little prince of Ji Yicheng's family made a cold and delicate comment,
"Second Uncle doesn't like to laugh anymore."

Xuanfei is now consummated, the crown prince is very honorable to the third uncle!
Ji Tianmo's face darkened a little, and she felt it the day the second child woke up a month ago, the eyes of the second child had changed, and the warmth that could heal people's hearts was missing.

As Bai Xue said, it became lighter.

Ji Tianmo sighed softly when he opened his mouth,

"So many things have happened. Although the most painful and difficult time has passed, the second child still has a knot in his heart, which has not been untied, and has not healed himself."

 PS: The little rabbits have survived the days when Qingcheng and Promise were so cruel, this time the honorary couple must also stand up...!
(End of this chapter)

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