I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2249 Xiao Feifei, you really got home for nothing!

Chapter 2249 Xiao Feifei, you really got home for nothing!

... Why did the elder brother-in-law suddenly lose his temper at him?


A table of silent onlookers cast sympathetic eyes one after another.

Didn't you see the domineering couple looking at each other affectionately, you are still working as a light bulb next to you, what are you talking about?

Deng Wanting also rolled her eyelids in disgust. After so many years of marriage, this guy still has no discernment.

Xiao Jintang choked speechlessly, he really didn't see it...o(╥﹏╥)o
Xuan Fei immediately held the goblet towards Xiao Jintang, blinked with a smile,

"Uncle Xiao, since we are so disliked by our relatives, why don't you run away with me after dinner later!
You yell, I sing, and the uncle and nephew walk around smiling proudly! "

In an instant, the joyous scene of Xiao Jintang and Xiao Feifei, one uncle and one nephew carrying bags on their backs and clasping hands while walking and singing "Walking around...the road is long...the water is long..." appeared in the heads of all the children, and then With a "poof"——

The collective laughed.


Xiao Jintang's distorted beard was trembling, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and he shouted at Xuanye, pulling his throat,

"Boss Ye, please take care of the little out of stock next to you! It's all for nothing!"

Xuan Ye was listening to what Ji Liancheng had to say, and Ye Li and Leng Mofeng also joined in midway.

Hearing that he was called by name, Xuan Ye didn't understand, so he looked over, and glanced at Xuan Fei sideways, with an obvious defense in his tone,

"What happened to the third son?"

Xiao Jintang, "..."

So, a certain Xiaobai was out of stock and fulfilled, with his chin up and his nostrils facing the sky, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, it was my brother who loved me the most!
╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

The atmosphere was even more hilarious.


Ji Tianming let out a "hey", raised his hand, and pointed at this group of beautiful men,

"What are you guys talking about all the time, with such sinister expressions on your faces?"

Ji Liancheng looked up, and said what his father said,

"'The Demon King of Confusion', a new member of our dark fire recently joined."

Speaking of this, Xuan Fei became excited again. He only found out about this when Ji Liancheng arrived at the castle this morning. He didn't expect that the boy "Demon King" was taken away by Liancheng's boss to become a high-level executive in Dark Fire.

"Boss, you're really playing tricks, you're the one the mafia is looking for first, yet you're secretly poaching behind our backs!" Xuan Fei blew his beard and stared.

Ji Liancheng smiled,
"Then why don't you snatch it back? I'll let you snatch it, and I won't stop it."

Xuanfei choked on his throat, and looked up with his eyeballs.

Everyone was taken away by the dark fire, how could he still snatch the meat back from the wolf's belly in Liancheng?What a joke!

And he also knows that the real IP address of the "Demon King of Confusion" that Ye Dada and Boss Liancheng found almost at the same time, also sent a hero post to that dead boy with perverted IQ, but he didn't even / didn't / bird him The eldest brother's email followed Liancheng directly to Dark Fire.

Of course, this process was also carried out online. The "Devil King of Confusion" has never shown his face in real life, and Ji Liancheng refused to even download the video.

So how did he grab it!

Look at Liancheng!

Xuan Yu didn't know what happened, so he hooked his chin towards Xuan Fei,
"What's the situation? What kind of demon king?"

Xuan Fei looked at Xuan Yu, and suddenly heaved a long sigh, very seriously,

"It's the ID in our game group, second brother, you have to wake up later, it is estimated that your title of 'King of the Intelligence World' will be taken by that kid."
[It's too pitiful for Ji Liancheng to be rejected by the "devil king of the world" in the extra episode]

It took another year for the "Demon King of Confusion" to show up in reality, and his true identity shocked the entire dark fire and the mafia's terrifying crowd to a series of explosions.

It turned out to be Huangfu's ruthless son, Huangfu Shengshi!

And only five... five years old? ? ?
This day, Ji Liancheng and Xiao Shengshi were playing games online. The two of them, one big and one small, cooperated seamlessly, chatting with each other while killing bosses.

Ji Liancheng said,

"I have a question I've wanted to ask you for a long time."

Xiao Shengshi,
"Come on, boss, I already have a woman I like."

Ji Liancheng rolled his eyes,
"At the beginning, Yeda and I both found your IP and sent you an email. Why did you choose to follow me to the dark fire instead of Yeda to go to the mafia?"

"Boss, do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"

"What do you think?" Ji Liancheng raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Xiao Shengshi paused for two seconds, and then the old god said,
"Because you are like the old man in my family. You have lost your wife for many years and can't find it. You are alone. If Yeda and I go to the mafia, you will be even more miserable."

"..." So, a certain Liancheng boss was so angry that he wanted to drop the keyboard! ! ! [○`Д○]
Huangfu's passionate voice-over roared: "Little devil, I am your old man!"Don't say I'm an old man! ! ! ——
  PS: Hahaha~ Write a short episode of Ji Liancheng, Yixin is not too rough to make soy sauce, if you want to see this couple, you can watch "Billions of Loved Wife: Male God 101℃ Deep Kiss"~
  Continue to sprinkle sugar like crazy today!Super sweet!for free!
  Good morning, Chirp~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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