I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2259 A childish second master is jealous

Chapter 2259 A childish second master is jealous
"I didn't pay attention just now, I just saw you were there, what's the matter?"

While talking, he calmly twisted the elbow that was sorely pulled by Xuan Yu, that was quite a provocative gesture.


Xuan Yu was so angry that in an instant, a burst of anger went straight to Tianling Gai, and white smoke was about to be emitted, what's wrong?
"My wife is someone you can kiss?!"

"Xuan Er, do you know what Western etiquette is?" Feng He squinted at the corners of his eyes, and gave him a very disgusted look.

"F*ck!" The usually personable Xuan Erye swears again, "The western etiquette is to kiss on the cheek, do you think I am so ignorant and stupid?"

Feng He suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled, and Xuan Yu twitched vigorously with his forehead for no reason, and heard the boy say very straightforwardly and confidently,

"Yes, then I have to kiss Xiaoli's face again, after all we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"You, dare!" Xuan Yu spat out two words fiercely through clenched teeth, his teeth were grinding so loudly that he almost threw the fruit juice glass on the round table on the kid's face.
"Kiss me again, believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth into mop cloth and hang it on the wall!"

"..." Feng He couldn't hold back the corners of his eyes, opened his mouth and closed his eyes twice, stared at Xuan Yu for a few seconds, and then looked at Rong Li, who covered his mouth and laughed so hard that his shoulders were trembling, with an unbelievable expression.
"Xiao Li, how on earth did you fall in love with such a mean, rude and uncivilized weirdo?"

Rong Li laughed so hard that tears were about to come out, he rubbed the corner of his grinning mouth, looked up at the man who was complained about, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands with a kind face of "I'm innocent too",

"I just found out that he is still like this. He is usually quite normal."

Xuan Yu, "..." There was a choke in his throat, and deep tears rolled down his eyes...

Isn't it because he is jealous! o(╥﹏╥)o

Feng He has already supported Rongli to sit down at the round table.

"Xuan Yu, are you going to stay here as a parasol for me?" Rong Li smiled as he looked at a certain man beside him who was still looking up at the sky.

Xuan Yu came back to his senses, "xiu" suddenly jumped between Rong Li and Feng He, pushed Feng He to the seat next to him, sat down next to Rong Li, and kicked Feng He Her pant legs,
"Go away, this seat is mine, stay away from me!"

Feng He snorted coldly,

"I'm just so naive! What's wrong? If you're not convinced, okay, I'll give you a chance. If you're not convinced, let's fight one-on-one, and I'll beat you into a pig!" A certain second master started the "serial bombardment mode" on the negotiating table ".

Feng He's temples twitched, and he remembered the last time he had a fight with Xuan Yu in the hotel. In the end, he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Depend on***!

He also wanted to splash the glass of juice on Xuan Er's face.

A certain second master finally managed to win the round, raised his sword eyebrows high, and wanted to quarrel with Lao Tzu, cut it, there is nothing to say!

Feng He took a deep breath,
"Why do you talk so much? Since I arrived, you have been chattering non-stop, and I'm not afraid that Xiao Li will think you are noisy."

Decisive, hit back again.

Xuan Yu, "..."

Rong Li laughed so hard that she waved her hands. Fortunately, she didn't drink the juice, otherwise she would have to spit it all out. How could she have never noticed that the painting style of these two men together is so full of joy.


In the living room of the castle not far away, a certain goblin was standing in front of the window with a telescope, secretly peeking at ing.

(End of this chapter)

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